United Kingdom – Fish And Chips (With Mushy Peas And Tartar Sauce)

Fish and Chips is considered the most common dishes in all of the UK as it is merely eaten everywhere in the whole country. It is basically a fish fried in batter and served with hot chips along with its side with an tartare sauce. The origin of fish and chips was in Lancashire in 1863 by a man named Mr. Lee who used to serve fish and chips from a wooden hut.

Malaysia – Manuk Pansoh

When visiting Malaysia, you can go to the Sarawak Chamber, the world’s largest underground cave chamber. As a part of the Southeast Asia region, some Malaysian dishes use bamboo for cooking their meal. Manuk Pansoh is one of them.

Serbian – Sarma

The word sarma is derived from the Turkish word sarmak, which means to wrap, wrap or dolma, doldurmak – to fill.

Hong Kong (China) – Ginger Milk Curd

Ginger milk curd is a Chinese dessert that is made with the juice of ginger mixed with curd ( yogurt ). The benefit of this dessert is you can make it anytime anywhere just with three main ingredients.

Sudan – Moukhbaza with Kisra Bread

Sudan is a country found East-central of Africa bordered by Egypt to the north, Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south and Chad to the west. Although Sudanese cuisines are influenced from it’s neighbor’s ones, still it holds Moukhbaza as itt’s significant dish prepared almost all over the country.

Syria, United Arab Emirates – Lamb Moussaka

Moussaka is a very common dish in the Middle East. It is a vegetable and meat layered dish. This dish is basically from SYRIA. It is very popular in BALKANS and MIDDLE EAST. The history and origin of the dish are not well recognized but it has many theories regarding the naming and etymology of this dish. There are many versions of the naming of this dish like in English word, it is said that the word Moussaka is taken from the Greek Word, mousakás.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Anday Wala Burger

Anday wala burger is a street food. This is most famous specially in Winters. Everyone in winters go out when weather is so charming specially for anday wala burger.

Nepal – Choila

Choila is a very spicy dish of Nepal. Choila is special to make in ” buffalo meat ” but with the passage of time everyone changes its ingredients and starts cook in every kind of meat like chicken, beef, mutton, etc.

Senegal – Rice Pilaf

Rice is like a necessity to a home. Many homes have rice as their main cuisines. Rice Pilaf originated from Europe, but accepted and widely prepared In Senegal. However, it could be considered as a Senegalese cuisine as well.

Turkey – Baklava

Baklava is a famous sweet dish which is specially made in Turkey. It is liked by many people in Turkey and it counts as the 4th most famous dish in Turkey. Baklava is a sweet dish in many eastern countries and has become the most famous desert of these countries.