Cameroon – Pomme Haricot

Pomme haricot is a meal that deals in the combination of pomme and haricot in order to have this delicious meal. Pomme haricot comes from the grassfield areas of Cameroon, the Santa locality.

Cameroon – Banana Melaxe

Banana melaxe is a meal gotten from unripe bananas and enough ground groundnut. Banana melaxe is a dish which is very common with Bamlike people from the west region of Cameroon. Banana melaxe is good for breast feeding mothers as it is believed that it helps in producing enough breast milk.

Cameroon – Fried Fish With Potato Chips and Salade

Fried fish with potato chips and salade is a food good for taking of a snack among friends, work colleagues and people we are close to. This dish has an eating process and procedure which comes in a form of an order. Fried fish with potato chips and salade is prepared in the Center region of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Okereke Meat With Stewed Spaghetti

Okereke meat is name given to fried meat here in Cameroon, due to the fact that it is being cooked in a local manner. Instead of using ground nut in the frying process, it is being fried with the use of red oil and it is very delicious in the mouth. Okereke meat with stewed spaghetti is coming from the village of Nouni in the department of Fefe.

Cameroon – Naangtarre

Naangtarre is meal gotten from cocoyam and palm oil. Naangtarre as most people call it is a delicacy to the people of the North West region of Cameroon precisely the inhabitants of the metah and mankon clan.

Cameroon – Apatha Soup and Ripe Plantains

Apatha soup is a fruit vegetable soup gotten from a fruit vegetable called apatha. This soup is widely prepared by the people of the mbu area in the North West region of Cameroon. This soup is eaten with plantains, white yams and even rice.

Cameroon – Courri Powder Rice With Green Beans Vegetables

Courri powder rice is a rice that is mostly and oftenly eaten in Nigeria, a wset African country. In English speaking parts of Cameroon, due to its closeness with Nigeria, many inhabitants have adopted the use of courri powder when preparing their rice.

Cameroon – Garri Fufu And Eggs

Garri fufu and eggs is a cuisine being prepared for economic reasons. It was often prepared by the low class, but with interesting taste that it contains, all the classes of the society do prepare and enjoy the garri with eggs.

Cameroon – River Prawn Cuisine

In Cameroon around the seashore, there are many women and men there, ready to serve you with this delicious sea delicacy. This cuisine unlick any other sea food is so delicious and is eating by so many people who visit. This is common with countries that have the ocean or sea. But some don’t do this by the sea or ocean. Rather, they take it to town restaurants to prepare it.

Cameroon – Dry Rice With Fish Smoked Fish And Fried Chicken

Dry rice is a local cuisine that has the taste of salty rice. It is a favourite dish to many especially on Christmas Day as no family can do without the preparation of dry rice with smooked fish and fried chicken.