Tag Archive for: Ghana Cuisine

Ghana – Banku

Banku is the traditional cuisine of GHANA. This dish is made with CORN and CASSAVA dough. This dish is famous all around GHANA but especially in the southern region of Ghana which includes EWE PEOPLE, FANTE PEOPLE, GA ADANGBE PEOPLE. Banku is originated from the two countries GHANA and TOGO.

Ghana – Waakye

From the city of Accra, Waakye has been used largely for a meal, as lunch and dinner. The cuisine comprises of the mixture rice with beans, cooked to give a traditional taste of the mix.

Ghana – Banku and Tilapia Fish

Jesus Christ fed thousands with fish and bread back then. Today, we eat fish with different accompaniment like fried ripe plantains, bobolo and even banku.

Ghana – Shito

Looking at the name shito, or how it sounds when pronounced seems funny. But this name means, chilli. This is one of the languages spoken in the region of Accra the capital of Ghana.

Ghana – Red Red

In Ghana Red Red cuisine is among the dishes that indicates Ghana traditional way of eating. Is the lasting among the traditional dishes and loved by almost everyone in the country.

Ghana – Shoko Beef Stew

Shoko is a west African beef stew. This beef stew is prepared with a leaf called Alefu found in west Africa and tomatoes. Shoko is a borrowed Yoruba name. it did not originate from Ghana.

Ghana – Kontomire Stew

Kontomire stew is a stew made from cocoyam leaves. This cuisine is very popular in Ghana and could be seen prepared and sold in restaurants and could also be prepared at homes since its ingredients are affordable.

Ghana – Rainbow Rice

Ghana is kind of colorful city, hence rainbow rice style, it is prepared with food colors together with natural rice.

Ghana – Mpotor Mpotor

Mpotor mpotor is a Ghanaian cuisine, though also common in Cameroon. In Cameroon, there is no special name prescribed for this cuisine. We just call it mashed yams, or mashed potatoes.

Ghana – Tuo Zaafi

We leave to eat or we eat to leave? This a question many people answer it wrongly. Normally the answer is, we eat to leave. Food is very an important substance that sustain life on earth.