Makon Special, Cameroon – ACHU

Achu is a Makon traditional dish. It is a special. The meal is made up of a mixture of a couple of ingredients that gives its name Achu.

Hong Kong (China) – Luxury Lotus Seed Cake Paste

Lotus seeds are called the Luxury Dessert of Hong Kong. This dessert looks very silky, smooth, and caramelized. Lotus seed paste is actually used in the cupcakes of Hong Kong.

Rwanda – Boiled Kumara With Nuts

In Rwanda Kumara is simply a sweet potato, boiled sweet potatoes with nuts is another taste to try. Sometimes modern ways of eating influenced by globalization brings a hearty challenge for this dish, although it still holds the front position to the most loved traditional dishes in the country.

Japan – Japanese Okonomiyaki

As a Japanese cuisine, this dish is an authentic dish from the traditional values. This is a dish in which wheat flour is used to make a base of the dish and then topped with different sauces. The word, OKONOMI means “what you like?”‘ and, YAKI means “Fried food”.

Botswana – Seswaa

Seswaa cuisine in Botswana is normally prepared in special occasions like independence-day, wedding ceremonies and other great celebrations.

Zimbabwe – Mopane Worms

All around the world, eating of insects is the hobby to people, and includes ants, beetles, grasshoppers and so many to mention. Today we will focus on worms specifically Mopane worms from Zimbabwe. They are also called mashonja and macimbi in Shona and Ndebele respectively.

Uganda – Potato-Banana Meat Mix

Uganda is among the East-African countries that cultivate Banana in large scale, it is supported with cool climate and fertile red soil. Banana may have many traditional and modern styles of cooking but today we will prepare the mix of Banana-potatoes with meat.

The Maldives – Traditional Garudhiya (Fish Soup)

Garudhiya is one of the famous and traditional dishes of Maldives. Garudhiya is a fragrant fish soup with some kind of spices and vegetables in it. This is so famous in winters. This dish is made by adding water, fish, spices, vegetables, and lemon to it. The very important part of the dish is to add lemon to it because the lemon adds a unique flavor to it.

Madagascar – Foza sy hena-kisoa (Seafood Platter)

Among the best cuisines from Madagascar is this one, being prepared with the fusion of stir-fried pork, crab, and lobster roast. All these are sea food that are largely found around Madagascar coasts and easy to get.

Pakistan – Traditional Ladu Pethi With Sauces and Salad

Ladu pethi is a salty fried bhalla served with Tamarind and apricot sauces and salad. This is the most famous streetfood in Lahore. This is made from moong daal and chana daal and then deep fried in hot oil.