Tanzania – Wild Meat Roast

In Tanzania there are more than 120 tribes, but today we will focus to Sukuma tribe, one of the most dispersed tribe in the country. Sukuma people are well known as Agricultural tribe at large and will always consume natural foods, wild meat being among of it.

The United States, America – Spicy Hash Brown

This is a local dish of United States America and other European countries. It consists of finely chopped potatoes which we fry until it changes its color to brown. This dish is originated from United states of America. It was first discovered in 1887 in New York which is a city of America by Maria Parloa.

Uganda – Chicken Luwombo

Uganda is a small country located in East Africa with over 53 tribes which explains the diversity in culture and its cuisine. Our dish today comes from the dominant tribe called Baganda where this country derives its name.

Ghana – Boiled Yam with Vegetable Sauce (Palava Sauce and Ampesi)

Just by looking it, you may feel the taste of this simple yet very taste cuisine from Ghana, it is all about Yam.

Nigeria – Shaki Stew

Shaki is a beautiful cuisine. Usually eating as appetizers. This appetizer is common in Nigeria and Cameroon.

Cameroon – Kwem

Kwem is a local cuisine having the taste of raw grass. It is highly appreciated by the people of the South due to the fact that it contains so much nutrients that is very vital and essential to the human body as it adds Iron and purifies the blood against acids and any harmful material in the body.

Cameroon – Jamsu With Fufu and Steak

Jamsu with fufu is the custom and traditional meal of the Jakiri inhabitants. A native of Jakiri sees himself eating Jamsu with fufu and steak from Monday to Sunday without losing an appetite for it. Jamsu with fufu and steak comes from the Jakiri native land.

Pakistan, India – Vegetable Pakora (Spiced Fritters With Vegetables)

Pakora also called pakoda or ponako is a snack served by street vendors. In Pakistan, every person knew about that dish or snacks because in the month of Ramadan (fasting) every Muslim made it to their own home in the time fasting and open their fast with that delicious snacks.

Pakistan – Sindhi Nargisi Koftay

‘’This is very unique kind of dish in which chicken egg is wrapped up with spiced mince of lamb or beef and put into gravy/ curry’’

Pakistan, India – Traditional Rara Mutton Gravy

Rara Mutton is one of the special dishes of Pakistan and it is originated from the Indian Subcontinent which comes from Lucknow, a city of India. In Pakistan, Rara Mutton is the most favorite dish of people especially in Punjab. Rara Mutton includes the pieces of mutton meat and the mixed minced mutton which made a most delicious dish called “Rara Mutton”. The Northern part of India is called Utter Pardesh which is the capital of Lucknow, which is famous for non-vegetarian cuisines. Rara mutton is also for those who never loved vegetarian dishes and eat only meat-based dish. From the first made, it is the most famous and most loved dish in Asian cuisines, especially in Pakistan and India.