Nigeria – Moi-Moi

Moi moi is a nice dish eating in Africa. This is common with the Nigerian people. Unlike koki beans and koki corn in Cameroon, in Nigeria it is Moi moi.

Pakistan – Ancient Recipe of Old Ages “Kachnar Keema Matar”

Dishes are of old ages that comes out from our forefathers but the style or method of making this kind of dishes is changes now.

Zimbabwe – Mopane Worms

All around the world, eating of insects is the hobby to people, and includes ants, beetles, grasshoppers and so many to mention. Today we will focus on worms specifically Mopane worms from Zimbabwe. They are also called mashonja and macimbi in Shona and Ndebele respectively.

Mozambique – Galinha Asada (Chicken Roast)

Passing around streets in Mozambique, you will wonder some tastes called Galinha Asada. It is a chicken fried and sold together with chips from potatoes or cassava, but today we will look only on the roasted chicken, start with it’s preparation methods to the final steps.

Senegal – Mafé

Mafé dish is originated from Mali specifically to Mandika and Bambara people, yet it became famous in the country because of the agricultural factor of cultivating it’s basics ingredients that is ground nuts.

Syria, United Arab Emirates – Mutabbal/ Baba ghanoush

Mutabal is also known as Baba Ganoush. This is like a dip made up of eggplants. In the Arabic language, the word ”BABA” means ”FATHER”. The other word is ”ġannūj” is the personal full name. Mutabal is another name for this dish in Levantine, Syria, etc. This means ”SPICED”. The culinary tradition of Israeli cuisine is from the GREATER SYRIA. In a Syrian meal, this is served with coffee. This is served also with the CONFECTIONERY SWEET, desserts, etc.

Korean – Hotteok / Korean Sweet Pancakes

Hotteok is a very popular Korean pancake with stuffing inside the cakes. Stuffing can be chocolate, peanuts, cinnamon, nuts, coconut, brown sugar, honey. There is a difference between normal and Korean pancakes. Hotteok is shallowly sauteed in butter to make it crispy from the outside. So this makes a difference in Korean Hotteok / pancakes. This snack dish is first time introduce in 1927. It was the time of the Chinese when settled in Korea.

Japan – Raindrop Cake

Raindrop cake; is not it look like a piece of art or something. This is a zero calories dessert in which we can have only two or three ingredients and you come up with a unique dessert like an art piece. This is very clear and crystal dessert so felt like a raindrop.

Iran, United Arab Emirates – Kabab Koobideh

This is one of the best dishes in Iranian Cuisine. Mostly used mincemeat is from lamb and beef. Chicken is rarely used in traditional dishes like this kabob koobideh. This dish is traditionally included in the national cuisine of Iran and also in many other cuisines but with different names. Iranian cuisine is included in the Khaleeji cuisine because this cuisine has a great impact on Arabian and Emirati cuisine. Iranian cuisine is known as āšpazi-e iranī in Persia and, the culinary culture evolved by time and influence by other traditions.

Swaziland – Sishwala

Sishwala is the most consumed food in Swaziland (e-Swatini), cooked to give a thick porridge of beans (mostly sugar beans) and maize meal mix. This is the loved cuisine because it comprises of the main ingredients in most of the meals in Swaziland.