Rwanda – Cassava Leaves

Rwanda is a country found in the eastern part of African continent, bordered with United republic of Tanzania to the east, Burundi to the southern part and democratic republic of Congo. Cassava leaves is a tasty greeny meal in the homes of Rwanda people.

Pakistan – Traditional Siri Paye

Siri Paye is one of the most unique and rewarding recipe of Pakistani cuisine. Siri means the head of the goat or cow and the paya means the feet of the goat. The siri and the payas are roasted over an open fire to burn off the hair from the skin.

Italy – Creamy Mushroom Chicken Pasta

Today I’ve brought a new recipe which is Chicken pasta which has a creamy taste and contains mushrooms. This dish works perfectly when there are unexpected guests in our house and we have nothing to make at that time. This dish is originated from Italy and the other name of pasta is alfredo. The person who invented this dish was Alfredo di Lelio.

United Arab Emirates – Shish Taouk

This middle east dish is very similar with the one of the Persian dish named as Jujeh Kabab. The meaning of the word SHISH TAOUK is very difficult to find out. As the dish is, Skewered Chicken is the meaning of the Shish Taouk.

Malawi – Mkhwani

Not only in Malawi but all over the globe, pumpkins have been known for their significance in traditional medication as well as traditional dishes preparation.

Uganda – Traditional Fish Finger

Uganda is a country found in Africa. The inhabitants of Uganda speak Luganda and English, Swahili is at low and with elite Ugandans. Fish Finger is among the loved food as it’s prepared traditionally.

Turkey – Traditional Dondurma (Sweet Creamy Mastic Ice-Cream)

Dondurma means ”freezing in Turkish”, which is the most famous dessert in Turkey. You have never heard of eating ice cream with a fork and knife. Dondurma is the only ice cream that is eaten by fork and knife.

United Arab Emirates – Kabsa

This is known as MIXED RICE PLATTER also NATIONAL DISH OF ARABS. This dish is very versatile and popular in the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. The word KABASA means to squeeze out. In this dish, this word means to cook all the elements like meat portion and vegetables with rice is squeezed in one pot. There are many varieties of KABASA served in UAE according to the different addition of ingredients.

Pakistan – Karhi

Karhi of dahi (yogurt) was one of the famous dishes of subcontinent. It is the part of local cuisine of subcontinent (India and Pakistan). It was mainly eaten with khichri. But people also liked to eat it with boiled rice or chappati also.

Singapore – Otak Otak

Otak Otak is actually known as the Spicy fish cake, the combination of BANANA LEAVES WITH FISH PASTE. It is a creamy custard of fish, it may look so weird to eat but this is actually one of the best dishes to eat in Singapore. This dish is firstly originated in “PALEMBANG” which is the city of INDONESIA. People serve it for the first time in banana leaves which is fully grilled and smells so good.