Cameroon – Bakweri Seasoned Chicken Chips

Bakweri Seasoned chicken chips is local cuisine ressembling a barbecue in the United States of America or in the Central part of London. This local cuisine originating from Cameroon has the taste of a saucisse. Bakweri is a village locality in the South Wset region.

Africa – Preparation of Rice and Tomato Source (Stew)

This meal rice and stew is eating everywhere and nearly recognized by the whole world. This is because the meal is so delicious. It is eating by families on occasional days in Africa or periods and on normal weekly days.

Cameroon – Boiled Eggs With Jinje Stew

Boiled eggs with jinje stew is a food that is being prepared for events concerning the invitations of people. It is a food mixture that talks of the culture of Bamendja’s, a rich village land in agricultural environment. Bamendja is a village locality found in the grassfields of Cameroon.

Pakistan – Naan Channy (White Chickpea Gravy)

This dish is a famous dish from the cuisine of Punjab. Naan channy is the kind of breakfast that can be eaten even in breakfast but also in lunch and dinner. Some famous varieties of channa cooked and loved by Pakistani people is CHIKAR CHANNA. This is the gravy of gram pulse/ chickpea that is usually white chickpea. Pakistani food is very delicious but when it comes to street food, they have their own swag. Naan Channy is a dish that is very popular among small stalls and roadside hawkers. The exact origin of this special breakfast is not known but it is common is assumed to be originated from LAHORE, at the time of the Indian subcontinent.

United Arab Emirates – Tharid / Thereed

This is the special dish from the cuisine of Arabs. In Dubai food festival, huge varieties of dishes are served and most famous among them is this ”THARID”. It is said that this dish is very authentic and from the back of the time, because this specific dish is mentioned in the Hadith of the specific Islamic sayings.

Cameroon – Ndole and Ripe Plantains

Ndole and ripe plantains is a special delicacy prepared and eaten by almost all the inhabitants of Cameroon. Ndole is a very nutritive meal as it contains almost all the classes of food.

The United Kingdom, Mexico – Traditional Cornish Pastry (Meat Pie)

The Cornish pasty is a baking recipe that we bake in an oven. There are many alternatives of Cornish pasty one of them is Meat pie, the meaning of word, meat pie also the same as Cornish. this dish (Chicken Enchiladas) is actually originated from British Cuisine.

Japan – Sushi Platter

Sushi is also known as Sushi-Meshi. It is a vinegar rice dish with having raw seafood slices and nori seaweed sheets. Sushi is usually confused with other Japanese dish that is SASHIMI, which is also a Japanese-originated dish of raw meat and just thin slices of meat served with soy sauce. Sushi is originated from the old tradition of Fermentation of rice. The people of Japan MUORMACHI PERIOD, ferment the rice for months and then served it with raw fish. There are different types of sushi served in worldwide with addition of different ingredients, different cooking methods, etc.

Nigeria – Okpa

Rare cuisines prepared mostly in Africa. Okpa is rare dish. You will mostly see this dish in Nigeria or if prepare elsewhere, you may find out and see the chef or person that prepared the dish is from Nigeria. This doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare the dish. That is why am writing about it.

Nepal – Thakali Khana

Thakali khana is a set of the most authentic dishes of Nepal. This is the collection of every type of food which the normal person wants to eat. We can say that this is the “BUCKET OF FOOD”. Thakali khana was first introduce in the region of Nepal which is known as “Thak khola”.