Pakistan – Keemy Wale Naan (Mince Stuffed Chapati)

This is a kind of wholesome meal in which all the nutrients required to the body are included. This is a special kind of bread sort of thing in which beef or mutton mince is spiced up with different things and stuffed.

Singapore, Indonesia – Ayam Penyet

Ayam penyet is a fried chicken that is famous all around the world but especially in Singapore. The word Penyet means “SQUEEZED” so this dish is commonly called “SQUEEZED CHICKEN”. It is a Javanese term. The place of origin of Ayam penyet is Indonesia.

Singapore – Tian Tian Chicken Rice

Tian Tian chicken rice is the NATIONAL CUISINE OF SINGAPORE. This is basically a dish of chicken which is served in the rice or with the rice. Tian Tian is always available at every festival in Singapore.

Pakistan – Karhi

Karhi of dahi (yogurt) was one of the famous dishes of subcontinent. It is the part of local cuisine of subcontinent (India and Pakistan). It was mainly eaten with khichri. But people also liked to eat it with boiled rice or chappati also.

Pakistan – Traditional Karak Chai

Tea is very popular in pakistan espacialy in winters. in urdu tea is called chai. 90 percent of pakistanis love tea for sure .The aroma of it is so good. Most people energy levels are low in the moring after meals therefore,its the best to consume tea after breakfast. There are many types of tea around the world.

Ethiopia and South Africa – Okra and Nyanya Chungu Stew

This cuisine is an African one, from Ethiopia (Okra) and South Africa(Nyanya chungu).

Pakistan – Special Dahi Chana Chaat

Chana chaat is a very popular snack which is originated in Indian Subcontinent in 17th century. In Indian subcontinent every area had its own special dish and chaat was one of the most famous dishes among them.

Indonesia, Malaysia – Traditional Mutton Rendang

Mutton Rendang is a special meat-based dish that is originated from the Minangkabau region or the state of Indonesia. This dish mutton rendang is cooked on special types of events like Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha, special features such as parties, big events or weddings, etc. Mutton Rendang is a traditional dish of Indonesia and Malaysia because it is originated in Indonesia. There are many types of traditional dishes here but this one is the top traditional dish.

Africa – African Beans Roast

Beans are known for their widely uses all over the globe. In Africa, beans are mostly taken in children diet flour, maize and beans mix (Makande), beans-rice hybrid food and so much to list.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Cow Tail (Dum)

All the dish which is introduced by the Punjabi is special due to their most favorite ingredient called “ DESI GHEE”. Desi ghee is one the most special and famous ingredients which are used by all the Punjabis, they can’t be made anything without this ingredient.