Africa – Preparation of Rice and Tomato Source (Stew)

This meal rice and stew is eating everywhere and nearly recognized by the whole world. This is because the meal is so delicious. It is eating by families on occasional days in Africa or periods and on normal weekly days.

Cameroon – Boiled Tubers With Bitter Leaves

Boiled tubers is a form of tubers that is hard in form and very sweat in the mouth despite the hardness that it is made up of. Boiled tubers with bitter leaves is a local cuisine being prepared in the village of Mamfe by the elder ones and the younger ones for the elder ones and also for themselves.

Rwanda – Sardine Roast (Dagaa)

Such a tasty yummy dish from Tutsi people, the tribe of Rwanda, Sardine roast is all people favorite, especially when you speak about lake sardines. In Rwanda we have rivers that provide at large these sardines, others are modern sardine fishing as well as imports from Tanzania and Burundi.

Madagascar – Misao

Misao is a cuisine of the kind, impressed with vegetables and ramen noodles that are cooked under careful kitchen procedures, that anyone can flow with to the most great outcome taste ever.

Ghana – Angwa Mo

Today I will be writing on a traditional meal called Angwa Mo. Angwa Mo is a Ghanaian meal which means oiled rice. This is rice like any other rice. But the cooking process is so different.

Cameroon – Nsanka Corn Soup With Sugar

Corn soup with sugar is a local cuisine that is made up of fresh corn, ngweng leaves, also known as cassava leaves and sugar. Nsanka corn soup with sugar is a local cuisine prepared by the people of the centre region, precisely the Ewondos in Cameroon.

JAPAN – Tempura Shrimp Recipe

Tempura is actually a dish mainly made from seafood, any meat like chicken, mutton, and even vegetables. This dish is very simple but also very tasty. Seafood is very common in Japanese cuisine.

Cameroon – Njacatu (Garden Egg) Stew

Garden Egg or Njacatu as it is commonly called by the English speaking people of Cameroon is a fruit vegetable. It is a common meal prepared by the people of the kom, metah, nkambe, ndu and wum clan.

West Africa – Topsi banana / banane malaxee/ porriidge banana recipe

Topsi banane is a very special food which is mostly cooked during knock doors and meetings since the food yummy and irresistible.

Pakistan – Daal Makhni (Butter Lentil)

Daal makhni is an Asian dish originated in Indian Subcontinent. Its primary ingredients are black lentil, white beans and butter. The word daal means lentil and makhni means butter.