Algeria – Chorba Frik

Algeria is a country located in northern Africa, is bordered by the Western Sahara to the west, Mauritania to the south as well as Tunisia to the northeast. Algeria is dominated by Muslims, who has a longer religious fasting period called Ramadan. This is where our cuisine spot. Almost in every table at the time of breaking the fast, Chorba frik must be on the table too.

Cameroon – Chicken Green Soup

Chicken green soup is a soup made most of chicken. In this case, the chicken will not be cut in many portions, but a just some few parts. This is a kind of tradition that has been followed for decades now and cannot be stopped just like that. Chicken green soup is being prepared in the region of Baku in the West of Cameroon.

Malawi – Fried Cassava Palm (Kondowole)

Kondowole is a kind of food that mixes people in case of differentiating it with Nsima (stiff porridge) because both are from the like flour where by Nsima is made from Maize flour while Kondowole is made from Cassava flour.

Tanzania – Rice with Small Green Peas Mix

This is another type of Mseto from Tanzania, Africa. This cuisine is delicious and nutritious to men as it is full of proteins and carbohydrates.

Japan – Japanese Curry Rice (karē raisu)

Curry is basically a gravy made up of some specific ingredients, spices, yogurt, cream by adding vegetables and meat in it. karē raisu is Japanese curry. It is served on rice with some vegetables that are pickled. This is thick stew-like gravy or curry. This dish is first time introduced at the MEJI ERA and, the first dish was KARE RAISU. It is also a very popular story that Japanese curry is used to cure BERIBERI disease. For Japan, Japanese curry is the national dish of Japanese cuisine.

Iraq, UAE – Masgouf (National dish of Iraq)

The most important and lovable dish of Iraq that is also a national dish of Iraq is this dish. Whole fish is cooked instead of fish pieces. This is the way to represent this dish, masgouf. Iraqi cuisine is called Mesopotamian cuisine. It is originated by different regional cuisines including Persians and Iraq, etc. Masgouf is well recognized by Middle Eastern restaurants and other Middle Eastern countries and, is a very old and traditional dish of Mesopotamian cuisine.

China (Hong Kong) – Zhajiangmian

Zhajiangmian is actually a very famous noodle of China that is made from soybean paste. Zhajiangmian is also known as “FRIED SAUCE NOODLES”. These noodles are originated from Shandong province of China and, famous in the Northern side of China. This dish varies from region to region.

Filipino – Chicken Adobo

Chicken Adobo is an classic Filipino dish which is famous throughout the country because of its elegant taste and simplicity. It is the national dish of Philippines and is one the best dishes in the whole country. It is eaten at both lunch and dinner and is enjoyed by the families altogether. This dish goes way back to early 16th and 17th century. Adobo is an Spanish word which means marination.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Traditional Chikar Choley (Boiled Chickpeas with Gravy)

Chikar cholay is an Urdu language word, the word chikar means ‘mud’ or mash, while choley or channe means chickpeas. This dish is also known as “Chikar Channe”. In Pakistan, it is common as breakfast, but desi people eat it with paratha (oily chapati), but many of these people eat it with Nan (made with sourdough). Chikar Choley is one of the famous and tasty dishes of Indian Mughlai.

Pakistan – Roasted Pigeon

This is the dish not so common in the basis of usual food but is highly consumed especially in winters or special occasion like late night dinners in winters.