Algeria – Mahjouba

Algerian is a country located in northern Africa, is bordered by the Western Sahara to the west, Mauritania to the south as well as Tunisia to the northeast. Mahjouba is a tomato in bread taste the can be found at home or in the restaurants, it is cooked all over the country as a morning snack.

Pakistan – Chana Pulao (White Gram Rice)

No doubt rice is a food (crop) that is grown all over the world and Pulao is one of the most famous and delicious dish in Pakistan.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Fish Kabab

Enjoy your fish in the winter season is the most enjoyable thing. There are many special fish shops famous in Pakistan. So the topic of my article is fish kabab.

Uganda – Potato-Banana Meat Mix

Uganda is among the East-African countries that cultivate Banana in large scale, it is supported with cool climate and fertile red soil. Banana may have many traditional and modern styles of cooking but today we will prepare the mix of Banana-potatoes with meat.

Pakistan – Gulabi Colada

Gulabi Colada is a creamy dairy drink originated in from Indian subcontinent. Gulabi Colada is a very popular traditional drink among desis (Punjab people) because of its refreshing taste. It is taken with breakfast and lunch to cool the effect of hot summer.

Cameroon – Bouillon de pomme de terre

Bouillon e pomme de terre is a special meal being eaten for specific gatherings and reasons. It cannot be eaten anyhow or at any moment. It is eaten during jovial moments as well assad moments. This is the case during sport activities.

Angola – Cocada Amarela

Saying Cocada Amarela, doesn’t spot just a cuisine but a coconut-egg yolks cuisine from Angola. Coconut as a dessert fruit, it serves many from thirst proving unique cool self made juice. Apart from juice it has a whitish hard paste that can be chewed like a bite, yet it can do more wonders that being just a bite-like.

The Philippines – Pancit Palabock With Calamansi

This dish is traditional Filipino noodles made with calamansi that means lemon. In Filipino cuisine, pancit is used to be named for dishes in which noodles are added. The word PANCIT is derived from PHILIPPINES HOKKIEN CHINESE, that literary means CONVENIENT FOOD.
Noodles were first time introduced to the Philippines by the Chinese during agricultural trading. The local cuisine of the Philippines, Filipino cuisine has great by Spanish. There are many different kinds of noodles and noodle dishes.

Cameroon – Sauté Spaghetti and Pork

Spaghetti is considered a fast or easy to prepare dish so most people especially students have named it “last option”. Reasons spaghetti is called last option around student areas is because it is cheap, fast to prepare and easy to fine. Sauté spaghetti though is a delicious meal prepared with pork and vegetables like carrots and green beans.

Pakistan, India – Keema Masala (Beef Mince Gravy)

This mince meat recipe is a easy, quick, favorable and delectable recipe that is cooked usually in the Pakistani kitchen. This dish is comes from the old traditional recipes with the authentic flavours of the Pakistani traditional spices.