Cameroon – Black Soup With Kum Kum

Black soup with Kum Kum is a local cuisine being preprared solely during official occasions. Such special occasion is the case of mariages. In this case, inhabitants or people originating from Akum prepare the black soup with Kum Kum during marital ceremonies such as welcoming the groom into the bride’s family.

Uganda – Vegetable Potatoes Roast (Vegetable Mix)

Vegetable mixing is a style used by most of people in Africa, especially places with vegetable cultivation favourable environment and climate.

Singapore – Nasi Biryani

The specialty of this ” NASI BIRYANI ” is that this is cooked in ” ROSEWATER “. Some of the people shocked after hearing that this dish is made in rose water but seriously this gives you a great fragrance and taste as well.

Pakistan – Chicken Sticks

It is a local cuisine usually eaten in Pakistan and many other Asian countries. Chicken sticks is a delicious dish made up of chicken and many people like it due to its good taste and beautiful smell.

The United Arab Emirates – Shawarma

This dish is traditionally from Arabic cuisine and very famous in the Middle East. This is a type of proper meal in which meat and some vegetables is wrapped in a form of bread. Place of origin is Ottaman Empire. This dish is originated from Emirati cuisine which is from the LEVANTINE ARAB STATES.

Zimbabwe – Muboora

when it concerns food or what goes down into our system, we should however be very discipline and careful about it. Less fat, less sugar Etc. Pumpkin leaves help generate more blood in the system. It is very nutritional when prepared.

Pakistan – Tasty Chapli Kabab

When we talk about chpli kabab the first thing that come to know is this that Chapli Kabab is a speciality of Pukhtun cusine and is the food of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that is a province of Pakistan.

Pakistan – Fried Fish

The Fried Fish has become the traditional dish in Pakistan. And in winter season the demand of fish increase in Pakistan. In winter days no celebration is completed without fish.

Northern America, United Kingdom – Traditional Chicken Pot Pie

Pot Pie is a special and popular recipe in the whole world. It is very famous among the people of Europe. Basically, this dish was firstly introduced in North America.

United Arab Emirates – Fattoush

Fattoush is one of the local and popular cuisines of United Arab Emirates and it is served in different restaurants of United Arab Emirates. This dish is a kind of salad which is enrich with different flavors. It is originated from Northern Lebanon.