Angola – Farofa

Farofa is an Angolan cuisine of rice and beans with manioc flour on top to resemble Brazilian cuisine of the same name, while the only difference is the ingredients, some of the preparation methods varies.

Cameroon – Wrap Maize Lili Fufu With Tomato Sauce

What is particular about this meal is the way the fufu is being preserved. The fufu is being preserved in the most natural manner possible. This is a tradition upheld by the people of Bangola. Wrap maize lili fufu with tomato sauce is a meal seeing its origin from Bangola village in the Ndop locality.

Malawi – Dziwala

A lot of us may have eating insects or have seen some other people eat insects. This is real and it is food in Africa. This ranges from termites to grasshoppers. Some will say how does this grasshopper’s taste? If you are a fan of shrimps or have ever tasted it, that is how the grasshopper taste.

Cameroon – Bahana Burnt Plum With Boiled Native Cocoyams

Bahana burnt plum is a local cuisine known for the fact that it is being eaten at the sunset when the whole family is being gathered around a burning fire telling themselves stories of different kind from epic stories to comic stories with the whole family laughing cheerfully enjoying themselves. Bahana burnt plum with boiled native cocoyams is a tradition coming from the Bahana, a village locality found in the Western part of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Sandwich

This food typically consisting of vegetables, cheese or meat etc. placed in between sliced bread. Here in Cameroon, we use fish. Read more below and see how we/I go about sandwich preparation.

Cameroon – Kambass With Turning Cocoa Yams and Cocoa Leaves

Kambass is a type of seafood that is eaten in the place of beef or pork. It is highly recommended as a seafood. Kambass are sea creatures that are caught by fishermen living at the coastal areas of Cameroon, precisely coastal areas like Dibamba, Batcham in different regions and localities of Cameroon.

Senegal – Chicken Yassa

Chicken Yassa can be prepared with chicken, lamb or fish. But chicken is best. People in Senegal prefer chicken because it is common. In Senegal, you could see people raring chickens in their open yards.

Tanzania – Hehe Dog Soup

Hehe is among the famous tribe in the country, its famous goes with the history of chief Mtwa Mkwawa who fought intensively with the German colonial soldiers, hence won many fights. There was a secret meal that were given to him and his soldiers, today’s cuisine.

Cameroon – Suya

Suya is a delicious appetizer you will commonly see in Cameroon or Nigeria. Just writing about this particular cuisine, I am already feeling as to prepare some or purchase some.

Cameroon – How to Cook Pepper Soup with Cow Legs

Pepper soup is a sauce that is mostly eaten in cameroon when there alot of cold. Pepper soup is one of the dishes that has healing properties.