Tag Archive for: Tanzanian Cuisine

Tanzania – Furu Roast

Furu is a name for short small fish normally found in lakes, specifically lake Tanganyika and Victotia in Tanzania.

Tanzania – Spaghetti

Welcome to this cuisine from Tanzania, it is so delicious and cooked without any artificial ingredients. I like natural prepared food as they maintain the quality of the minerals as either described from industry of farm.

Tanzania – Michembe, Sheet Potato Boiled Crisp

From Sukuma and Nyamwezi tribes in the Lake and Western Zones of Tanzania, Michembe was their favorite food, but with the presence of rice and wheat products consumer’s preferences to Michembe is now ceasing to exist.

Tanzania – Matembele

Matembele are green leaves, mostly like potato leaves but with narrow shape and a red color at its steam. They have been named as bloody grass because it’s a major role they play into our bodies, to support blood production within.

Tanzania – Millet Stiff Porridge

It is true that millet is used in various baking processed products like cakes, yet it may Let us have a time making stiff porridge from millet flour.

Tanzania – Flying termites (Kumbikumbi) recipe (Insect Special)

Flying termites are highly available around rainy seasons from February to April in East African countries, this is due to their fertility assurance to start new families as rainy bring about enough food harvest.

Tanzania – Maize Stiff Porridge

In Africa this kind of stiff porridge is the most cooked one, due to the fact and belief that it gives energy and build up strong man, so it has been taken as the food for man.

Tanzania – Cassava Leaves (Kisamuv)

Ever wonder that Cassava leaves may give the best taste ever? Yeah! it’s the matter of how to make it give that ‘best taste ever!.’

Tanzanian – Tanzanian Rice Pancakes (Vitumbua)

Being originates from coastal areas of Tanzania, Vitumbua now are widely cooked all over the country.

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania – Tanzanian Stew Banana (Mtori)

Mtori is originated from Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. It was found as the main basic food for Chagga tribe, but later became famous in a whole country.