Tag Archive for: Cameroon Cuisine

Cameroon – Salad Bichakala and Normal Salad

I took a friend out to have dinner, she ordered for Salad bichakala, I did same. Before we were served, directly opposite us was this guy that was eating salad bichakala

Cameroon – Grilled Fish and Parte

Cameroon has a very large body of water, around Limbe we have the sea that goes into the ocean. But fish is mostly harvested from the ocean by huge companies like Congelcam. Most people in my country will rather choose fish over meat because it is cheap and more available and it is also very nutritional. I like grill fish and I hope you do too.

Bamilike, Cameroon – Koki Beans

People and represented by the various cuisine the cook or eat often in Cameroon. Amongst the many traditional dishes, we have in Cameroon, koki is one of them.

Cameroon – Scotched Egg

Scotch egg is a wonderful meal. I don’t know if I should call it a meal or not, but just eating two or sometimes even one of a rich scotch egg, you may get full or satisfied.

Cameroon – Irish Potatoes Bouillon With Cow Meat

Like in the United State of America they love frying Irish potatoes especially to eat in hamburgur or tacos but here in Cameroon we mostly love doing Irish potatoes and pepper soup. And meals also best to eat when you have caught cold.

Cameroon – Red Pepper Food With Ripe Plantains

Red pepper food is a meal prepared after a particular event like the over drinking of alcohol. This practice generally takes place on Sundays at 2:00 PM after a meeting ceremony, better known as njangui. Red pepper food with ripe plantains is a meal from the local cuisine of the Northern part of Cameroon spreading to other regions, notably the Center region and the West region.

Cameroon – Black Beans and Dodo

Bean is a common seed crop which is cultivated almost in all regions of Cameroon. Beans are cultivated in both the raining season as well as the dry season in Cameroon thus there is an abundant of beans in the country. Black beans and dodo is a delicious meal loved by many and eaten at anytime as it can be taken as breakfast.

Cameroon – Egussi Pudding

Egussi pudding is a delicious meal which is made from egussi and other ingredients. Egussi pudding is common in the center region of Cameroon. It is mostly prepared by the Bassa and Ewondo tribe people. This particular meal is a tradition meal in some villages in Bamenda the North West region of Cameroon. In general, egussi pudding is a very delicious meal which can be eaten with ripe plantains, bobolo, coco yams and it can be taken for a picnic as well.

Cameroon – White Rice and Groundnut Soup

White rice and groundnut soup is consider in Cameroon as a poor man’s dish, this consideration is mostly heard in big towns in Cameroon such as Yaoundé, Douala, Llimbe and Buea. Putting aside this attribution, rice and groundnut soup is a delicious meal and very nutritious since it contains all the classes of nutrients. It is widely prepared all over Cameroon’s national territory especially in the east, north, far north and extreme north.

Cameroon – Pepper Soup

Most at times and particularly in the western world, many value soups. Soups are used most often as appetizers and most are deliciously prepared to suit that purpose.