Tag Archive for: African Cuisine

Cameroon – Achiquaqua

Achiquaqua is a local soup that has as particularity the fact that it is being cooked with so many different types of meat. The reason why there is an assembly of different types of meat is that it represents the types of meat and their story. Achiquaqua is a local cuisine coming from the Southern and Littoral part of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Spaghetti

Spaghetti is a long, thin, solid, cylindrical pasta. It is one of the easiest meals to prepare yet some people don’t know how to get pass that.

Mali – Jollof Rice

Rice is a very common meal. Common and delicious. The meal is simple also. Very simple and affordable. In my country Cameroon, when an orphanage is to be visited, rice is carried along.

West Africa – Topsi banana / banane malaxee/ porriidge banana recipe

Topsi banane is a very special food which is mostly cooked during knock doors and meetings since the food yummy and irresistible.

Mexico, Cameroon – Cheesy White Rice

In Cameroon, there are foreign restaurants owned and controlled by Cameroonians. For example, there are chines, Mexico and Nigerian restaurants in Cameroon. Today, it is about Mexican cheesy rice.

Cameroon – Beignet Maize With Flour

Beignet maize with flour is the type of puff balls that is cooked with the use of fresh corn. This dish comes from the West and NorthWest parts of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Bamoun Vegetables With Ripe Plantains and Meat

Bamoun vegetables with ripe plantains and meat is a healthy food. One of the specifies about this vegetable is that it is being cultivated during the hot season, since in Cameroon, we have the Rainy season and the Dry season.

Zambia – Cocoa Buffer Ladu

It is made from ground cocoa when it is cooled, then wrapped in leafy greens and slowly, depending on your cooking preference, fresh or smoked meat, fish, cream, red oil, and other It is mixed with herbs. Aquang is a special kind of coconut broth. The shops here are labeled “Taro White” or “Pink Taro” while Cameron is called “Macabo Coco” in the logo.

Cameroon – Sauce Pistage and Garri

Sauce postage is a delicious meal which is gotten from egussi. Egussi is very common in the south west region of Cameroon and also in the far north region of Cameroon. The people in these localities cultivates egussi mainly for commercial purpose as they themselves hardly cook meals with egussi.

Kenya – Irio (Mashed Peas and Potato Mix)

Irio is a Kenyan dish originate from Kikuyu staple made of green peas and potatoes being mashed together to give a greenish color dough like, later corn is added to accomplish the cooking process.