Korean – Tteokbokki

Tteokbokki is Korea’s very popular dish which usually consists of small rice cakes in a spicy sauce. This dish is also known by another name that is ”Spicy Stir-fried rice cake”. This dish was first recorded in the 19th century in the book of SIUIJEONSEO. This dish has many varieties according to the best ingredients to be added.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Sattu Ka Sharbat

Sattu is actually a flour which is the most famous flour used in drinks in Pakistan. You can prepare sattu ka sharbat and beat the hotness of summer at home. This is the healthiest summer drink in Pakistan.

Cameroon – Nsanka Corn Soup With Sugar

Corn soup with sugar is a local cuisine that is made up of fresh corn, ngweng leaves, also known as cassava leaves and sugar. Nsanka corn soup with sugar is a local cuisine prepared by the people of the centre region, precisely the Ewondos in Cameroon.

Laos – Or Lam Gai

Laos, where their people follow the Buddha teaching, has many Buddhist festivals. One of the festivals is Wat Simeuang. During the festival, Laos people served a special soup named Or Lam Gai. A complete soup with spicy taste, full of nutritions, and delicious. Or lam Gai spice blend in harmonically with a rich texture in every bite.

Mozambique – Galinha Asada (Chicken Roast)

Passing around streets in Mozambique, you will wonder some tastes called Galinha Asada. It is a chicken fried and sold together with chips from potatoes or cassava, but today we will look only on the roasted chicken, start with it’s preparation methods to the final steps.

Tunisia – Gnaouia Stew

Today, I am about to write on another cuisine valued most by Tunisians, but eating by nearly all Africans. This Tunisian stew is made from Okras, and can be prepared with chicken, lamb or beef.

Cameroon – Yellow Spahgetti With Chicken

Yellow spaghetti is a type of spaghetti that is very rare from all the existing types of spaghetti. This is because, a yellow ingredient is being added to the spaghetti to make it yellow in colour.

Thailand – Gang Keow Wan

Homemade rocket soaring the sky, not in a war but a festival held in Yasothan province Thailand. Bun Bang Fai is a festival to honor Phaya Taen, a pre-Buddhist god. During the festival, the airspace was temporarily closed to allow hundreds of homemade rockets to fire into the sky. They’re also a traditional food stall where you can buy Thai food. For those who loved spicy food, Gang Keow Wan is the best choice to eat during the festival.

Italy – Ribollita

Ribollita is an another remarkable cuisine of the Tuscan region in Italy. It originated in Tuscany where this soup was so common because it was made from leftover items. Ribollita is an Italian word which when translated into English means “Reboiled”. Meanwhile, Ribollita was also named the dish of the poor because of its history and also one of the major factor was that it was cheap.

Cameroon – Herb White Rice With Mushroom

If you want to know about secrete meals that exist around the country, ask tourist. These guys go to where ever the like and eat whatever the country has to offer as food.