Sudan – Moukhbaza with Kisra Bread

Sudan is a country found East-central of Africa bordered by Egypt to the north, Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south and Chad to the west. Although Sudanese cuisines are influenced from it’s neighbor’s ones, still it holds Moukhbaza as itt’s significant dish prepared almost all over the country.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Mutton Nihari

It is served on special function or occasion, festivals and get-togethers. In asian region like in Pakistan if one is invited for a meal ,mutton curry is served as a honorable dish.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Masala Dum Gosht (Beaf, Lamb, Mutton)

Masala Dum Gosht or the Lamb Masala formula, Pakistani could be a delightfully straightforward lamb curry formula made with whole flavors. It is so simple to form that this dish will make one of your favorite some time recently long.

Burkina Faso – Pouletbicyclette

Burkina Faso people consumes chickens and poultry at large, for this reason chicken sellers could tie more than 100 chickens around their neck for delivery. On top of the story, in many parts in Burkina Faso you will find chicken grilled for sell, this is why the cuisine was called Pouletbicyclette.

Thailand – Tod Man Pla

Thailand is the most popular country to visit in Southeast Asia. Tom Yam, Pad Thai can be found anywhere in the world. But when we talk about street food, Tod man pla will appear in the first place.

Zambia – Kalembula

Kalembula is name that whenever you will be required to list down Zambian cuisines, no wonder it must appear there. It’s a cuisine from Sweet potato leaves, mixed with vegetables to enhance taste and nutritional benefits.

Rwanda – Isombe

Isombe is a vegetable of Cassava leaves, that are boiled fresh with water, then mixed with other ingredients to bring the best recipe. This cuisine is prepared in Rwanda mostly in rural areas, due to the availability of Cassava leaves being low.

Pakistan – Traditional Shahi Tukray (Sweet Creamy Dessert)

Shahi tukray is a creamy bread pudding. This is a mouth watering dessert. No occasion is complete without a bowl of this goodness. The texture is smooth, the aroma is royal and the taste is appetizing.

Cameroon – Black Soup With Kum Kum

Black soup with Kum Kum is a local cuisine being preprared solely during official occasions. Such special occasion is the case of mariages. In this case, inhabitants or people originating from Akum prepare the black soup with Kum Kum during marital ceremonies such as welcoming the groom into the bride’s family.

Pakistan – Traditional Shahi Qeema

Shahi qeema as the name represent shahi mean royal, it is the royal food. Mostly monarchs used to eat it. In sub-continent Mughal an emperor ruled for many years and introduces many dishes shahi qeema is one of them.