Yaounde, Cameroon – Noix de coco dans le riz saute

The name given to this local cuisine is interesting, it has its origin fron french. Noix de coc dans le riz saute tells you the story of the french speaking side of Cameroon.

Kenya – Matoke and Beef Stew

Matoke is a well-known Kenyan dish from Gusii land. The dish originates from kisii land where bananas are grown in plenty.

The Philippines – Pancit Palabock With Calamansi

This dish is traditional Filipino noodles made with calamansi that means lemon. In Filipino cuisine, pancit is used to be named for dishes in which noodles are added. The word PANCIT is derived from PHILIPPINES HOKKIEN CHINESE, that literary means CONVENIENT FOOD.
Noodles were first time introduced to the Philippines by the Chinese during agricultural trading. The local cuisine of the Philippines, Filipino cuisine has great by Spanish. There are many different kinds of noodles and noodle dishes.

Angola – Yassa Chicken

Angola has been blessed with a kind of delicious dishes, that will break your taste buds just by a smell. Angola is a country found in weatern part of Africa continent.

Rwanda – Isombe

Isombe is a vegetable of Cassava leaves, that are boiled fresh with water, then mixed with other ingredients to bring the best recipe. This cuisine is prepared in Rwanda mostly in rural areas, due to the availability of Cassava leaves being low.

Tunisia – Gnaouia Stew

Today, I am about to write on another cuisine valued most by Tunisians, but eating by nearly all Africans. This Tunisian stew is made from Okras, and can be prepared with chicken, lamb or beef.

Tunisian / Moroccan / Israel – Shakshouka

Shakshouka is an Arabic word which means “mixture”. It is one of the best dishes of all the African cuisines. This dish consists of eggs which are poached in a tomato sauce underneath it. It is not only served as a breakfast rather it is also served as lunch and dinner. It is said that this dish came into existence in the regions of Tunisia and Yemen. After people living in the North of Africa migrated to Israel, this dish became Israel’s national dish.

Indonesia – Tapa Kolo

Tapa Kolo comes from Tapa and Kolo word, Tapa means to burn, and Kolo means bamboo rice. Tapa Kolo is a traditional dish from the Manggarai regency, which was already known for a long time ago.

Pakistan – Malai Cake

Today I’ve made unique cake which is very tasty and smells deliciously. I’ve given you below a recipe of Malai cake. This cake is made up of malayi and malayi si a syrup which is made up of milk and cream.

Pakistan – Biryani

Biryani is such a delicious dish of subcontinent. It has a deep history as we know that invaders invade the subcontinent for the spices, some historians belief that biryani introduced by Persians and bought to subcontinent through Mughals.