Korea – Bulgogi

Bulgogi is Korean style grilled and roasted meat dish which is also known as FIRE MEAT. BULGOGI is a Korean word, where BUL means, Fire, and GOGI means, Meat. Gui is a Korean cooking style which is usually said in a sense of Grilled food. So this dish, Bulgogi is a Gui. During the era of GOGURYEO, this dish is called MAEKJEOK. Over the time this dish is said to be as NEOBIANI.

Uganda – Meat Roast

A taste from Uganda, is always delicious. In Uganda cow meat, goat meat are the most sold meat, due to the fact that they are the most cattles kept.

Pakistan – Hunter Beef Sandwich

It is a popular dish of Pakistan. Everyone liked to eat this sandwich. A real knockout, this one! It is mostly popular after Eid-ul-Adha. Hunter beef is so delicious and spicy and the part of Pakistani local cuisine.

Nepal – Kwati

Kwati is a “STEW”. It is a “HOT SOUP” which is made by mixing different beans. This is one of the most special hot soups of Nepalese cuisine. This hot soup is very important because one of the festivals of Nepal is incomplete without this stew which is known as ” GUNI PUNHI “.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Afghan – Maash Pulao (Lentils Rice)

Maash pulao is one of the best and tastiest dish of Pakistan, Peshawar which is combined with spices and serve with salad, and rice. This dish is made by mixing the stock and rice with a little bit of spices.

Ethiopia – Doro Wat

Doro means chicken, it’s a cuisine of onion sauce with a chicken meat and eggs. Preparation of this cuisine takes time especially the primary steps of onions roasting.

Cameroon – Crayfish With Green Leaves and Prawns

Crayfish with green leaves and prawns is a food mixture that represents the Sawa culture, a locality that is being surrounded by a river, known as River Wouri.

West Africa – Topsi banana / banane malaxee/ porriidge banana recipe

Topsi banane is a very special food which is mostly cooked during knock doors and meetings since the food yummy and irresistible.

Zimbabwe – Sadza With Boiled Salty Rice

Sadza dish is the most popular dish in its country, not only in Zimbabwe but also in other countries. It is made with some of the spices and marinated chicken meal.

Cameroon – Tikar Fried Meat With Fried Potatoes

Tikar is a tribe or betterstill a village found in Cameroon and some other parts of the Central African sub region. It is a large ethnic group that is well invested and organized in a cultural manner.