France – Ratatouille

Ratatouille is an classic French dish which originated in the city of Nice. This dish was basically made by farmers in the earlier times when their crops of vegetables ripened all at once and they needed to use them early. Ratatouille is a French word and has different meanings when split up. Rata in French means “Stew” and Touille means “To Stir”.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Traditional Maash Ki Daal (White Lentil Grams)

White when de-husked, matured in conjunction with rice. Entire Maash dal is a bean grown-up in Southern Asia. The Maash part without shells alludes to white Maash dal.

Japan – Chinmi: Salt-pickled Mullet Roe/ Kusaya

This is a Japanese delicacy and is supposed to be the rare and expensive food of Japan. It is Pickled seafood by adding preservatives. To name this delicacy, there is a common sentence used as ”THREE CHINMI OF JAPAN”: Kusaya(くさや), Funazushi (鮒寿司) and Kurozukuri(黒作り). The history of Japanese cuisine revolved around the main three ERA: KOFUN PERIOD from 3rd to 7th centuries followed by Yamato dynasty, and then the New Periods.

North America, Mexico – Special Chicken Enchiladas

Chicken Enchiladas is one of the finest Mexican dishes in Mexico. In simple words, the word Enchilada means “dipped in chili”. An American magazine of cuisine detailed that enchiladas are made by a chef of Mexico and prepared as a snack for tourists or for local people.

Zambia – Kalembula

Kalembula is name that whenever you will be required to list down Zambian cuisines, no wonder it must appear there. It’s a cuisine from Sweet potato leaves, mixed with vegetables to enhance taste and nutritional benefits.

Cameroon – Jakiri Village Roasted and Boiled Mou Mou Fish

Jakiri mou mou fish is a fish living in muddy areas. This is the reason, it is called, mou mou fish. Jakiri village roasted and boiled mou mou fish is a fish type being caught in the Rivers of Jakiri, as it is a muddy area where fish grows abundantly.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Bun Kabab (Anda Shami Burger)

So this dish is very popular street food of Pakistan and India. It is also known as Bun Kabab. The main ingredients used in this dish is famous Pakistani Shami kabab along with spiced omelet and salad in the bun.

Pakistan – Traditional Kofta Karahi (Lahore Special)

Kofta karahi is one of the famous dishes in Pakistan especially in Lahore. Kofta karahi is gravy with meatballs in it. It is cooked in karahi.

Italy – Ribollita

Ribollita is an another remarkable cuisine of the Tuscan region in Italy. It originated in Tuscany where this soup was so common because it was made from leftover items. Ribollita is an Italian word which when translated into English means “Reboiled”. Meanwhile, Ribollita was also named the dish of the poor because of its history and also one of the major factor was that it was cheap.

Nigeria – Turwo Shinkafa

Turwo shinkafa is a Nigerian cuisine, mostly eating by the Hausa tribe. This is made from non-parboiled rice. This is made from non-parboiled rice because, parboiled rice will give a different look or finishing.