Ghana – Tuo Zaafi

We leave to eat or we eat to leave? This a question many people answer it wrongly. Normally the answer is, we eat to leave. Food is very an important substance that sustain life on earth.

Malawi – Nthochi

Nthochi is a Bread made with mashed ripe Bananas at large. Mulanje and Kaluma are the most yielded bananas’ types in the areas of Tondama, Zambia, Nakauka, Khazanga and Wamng’ono in Malawi.

Cameroon – Egussi Pudding

Egussi pudding is a delicious meal which is made from egussi and other ingredients. Egussi pudding is common in the center region of Cameroon. It is mostly prepared by the Bassa and Ewondo tribe people. This particular meal is a tradition meal in some villages in Bamenda the North West region of Cameroon. In general, egussi pudding is a very delicious meal which can be eaten with ripe plantains, bobolo, coco yams and it can be taken for a picnic as well.

Cameroon – Pourish Irish Potatoes Commonly Known as: Hot-Pot

Pourish Irish potatoes Is a simple dish and loved by many Cameroonians. The dish is easy to cook and less expensive. During this hard time of the corona virus spread all over the continents, many countries have implemented national lock downs to prevent the spread of this virus.

Zimbabwe – Bota (Milk Porridge)

In Zimbabwe Bota is native term meaning a special prepared porridge from milk, peanut butter and probably more ingredients, that is taken normally in the morning as breakfast to give a day strength.

Madagascar – Mofo-anana

Mofo anana are two words in Madagascar local language that holds the meaning of bread and leafy greens respectively. These snacks are easily found almost in every part on the island of Madagascar.

Cameroon – Irish Potatoes and Red Beans

Irish potatoes and red beans is a delicious and nutritive dish from the combination of boiled Irish potatoes and fried red beans. This delicious meal originated from the west region of Cameroon especially from the inhabitants of Dschange, Mbuda and Mbacham.

Cameroon – Koki Beans

Koki beans is a deliciuous meal which is gotten from a special specie of beans called black-eyed-peas. This beans is cultivated mostly in some villages in the north west region like in Ndu and Ntui and in the south west region in meme division particularly in Mbonge , ekombe bonji and ekondo titi. Here in Cameroon you will hear names like “mami koki” referring to women who sell koki for a livelihood.

Ghana – Kalewele

Most of the meals I have writing about, I have cooked them. That is because I got the advantage that, most of the ingredients if not all are available in Cameroon. The dish is a Ghanaian dish and it is valued by Ghanaians and those that have tried it out.

Cameroon – How to cook Bandjong yellow koki beans

Bandjong yellow koki beans is a food cooked during special moments in this locality. It is prepared during knock doors and the welcoming and presentation of a new born baby. Bandjong is a locality located in the far ends of the Western region, the region close to the North West region.