Cameroon – Legumes With Rice and Chicken

Legumes with rice and chicken is a local cuisine that is made of three different sectors of food so as to become one. This dish gives the taste of milky wine. This food is of the main meals that is being prepared during ceremonies such as marriages, birthdays and ceremonies that count a lot for people. Legumes with rice and chicken is mostly prepared in Yaounde, the city of cultural meetings and gatherings.

Algeria – Chorba Frik

Algeria is a country located in northern Africa, is bordered by the Western Sahara to the west, Mauritania to the south as well as Tunisia to the northeast. Algeria is dominated by Muslims, who has a longer religious fasting period called Ramadan. This is where our cuisine spot. Almost in every table at the time of breaking the fast, Chorba frik must be on the table too.

Uganda – Small Green Peas Roast

This cusine comes from Uganda. It is among the favourite vegetable recipe available within the country.

Tanzania – Wild Meat Roast

In Tanzania there are more than 120 tribes, but today we will focus to Sukuma tribe, one of the most dispersed tribe in the country. Sukuma people are well known as Agricultural tribe at large and will always consume natural foods, wild meat being among of it.

Cameroon – Tatinan Food Mixture

Tatinan food mixture is a food containing all other forms of food, joined to become one and for it to bear the name Tatinan food mixture. Eating a balanced food nowadays has become luxury, as most people enjoy eating processed food or canned food. Tatinan food mixture is an original food mixture coming from the Ndian plateau in Cameroon.

Angola – Arroz

Arroz is a dish of white rice, yet it has many varieties of it’s type. This white rice is of specific type, although any of the rice may do the best. In Angola we normally cerebrates with this cuisine in some kinds of preparations.

Cameroon – Pepper Soup

Most at times and particularly in the western world, many value soups. Soups are used most often as appetizers and most are deliciously prepared to suit that purpose.

Nigeria – Fried Rice

Fried rice in Nigeria is among the loved dishes and prepared in every home mostly for special home events.

Zambia – Nshima

A cuisine is a traditional cooking habit. Nshima is one of the cuisines, Zambians consider as real food. It is heavy and made up of a combination of other spicy delicacies.

Ethiopia and South Africa – Okra and Nyanya Chungu Stew

This cuisine is an African one, from Ethiopia (Okra) and South Africa(Nyanya chungu).