Nigeria – Tuwo Masara

Tuwo masara is another dish from Nigeria, specifically from northern Nigeria. The Hausa–Fulani are the ethnic groups in the northern part of the country, are the most consumers of the cuisine.

Nigeria – Obe Ishapa

Obe Ishapa is a Nigerian cuisine eating by those of western Nigeria. The cuisine is not so common but it eating so well by those who know of it and who can prepare it.

Nigeria – Ewa Agoying

Ewa Agoying is a Nigerian meal commonly eating in Nigeria. In one of my articles on local cuisine, I wrote on Tukuni. With Tukuni, it is spiced pounded potatoes with beans.

Nigeria – Ibaba Soup

Ibaba soup is prepared using Ibaba seeds mixes with snails. It is common to Efiks tribe in the country. Ibaba soup is of many kinds depending on how you prepare it.

Nigeria – Nsala Soup

Have you ever eating Nsala soup? Again, I bring to you the best of dishes around Africa. Imagine African is a very large continent with so many countries. In some of these countries are so many tribes and this tribes have meals you haven’t ever heard of, but if you eat the dish, you may love to leave in Africa.

Nigeria – Efo Riro

Efo Riro is a Yoruba tribe term meaning “stirring green leaves”, ego stands for “to stir” and Riro stands for “green leaves”. In Yoruba land you may even get snails and shrimps included. I promise once you taste this dish, you won’t forgive yourself to cook it daily.

Nigeria – Efo Riro

A cuisine is a traditional cooking habit, practiced by different cultures in different areas around the world. Most of the soups in Africa are made from leaves. Mushrooms will be used in the soup. This mush rooms when prepared, serve as meat.

Nigeria – Asun

From the picture itself, you may get a blur picture on how the cuisine looks like and even it’s taste. This is Asun the peppered goat recipe, one among the lovable cuisines from Yoruba speaking Ondo people in Western Nigeria.

Nigeria – Aagun

Yoruba people from Nigeria have a lot of cuisines to taste, their cuisines are even in form of cereal mix, meat mix, vegetables mix or both mixes at a time. Aagun will work better for vegetarians as it is sourced from cornmeal.

Nigeria – Cauliflower Fried Rice

Rice as the often say in Africa, is a meal for all. Cualiflower fried rice is common to the Nigerians. It is delicious and could be prepared and eating anywhere and everywhere.