Cameroon – Boiled Tubers With Bitter Leaves

Boiled tubers is a form of tubers that is hard in form and very sweat in the mouth despite the hardness that it is made up of. Boiled tubers with bitter leaves is a local cuisine being prepared in the village of Mamfe by the elder ones and the younger ones for the elder ones and also for themselves.

Cameroon – Apatha Soup and Ripe Plantains

Apatha soup is a fruit vegetable soup gotten from a fruit vegetable called apatha. This soup is widely prepared by the people of the mbu area in the North West region of Cameroon. This soup is eaten with plantains, white yams and even rice.

Bayangi, Cameroon – Garri and Eru

The local cuisine in Cameroon great and divers. This is the traditional meal of the Bayangi people. This is one of the tribes in Cameroon among the many other tribes in the country.

Cameroon – Njangsa Sauce and Ripe Plantains

Njangsa source is a delicious soup that is usually eating with ripe plantains in Cameroon. This source is graded amongst the best source in Cameroon like tomatoe source (stew) and Mbongo Tchobi.

Cameroon – Chicken Carrots

Chicken carrots is a meal that is very simple to cook. The taste of this delicious meal is that of burnt plum. Chicken carrots is a meal prepared in the locality of Zoetele in the centre region of Cameroon.

Cameroon – How to Cook Pepper Soup with Cow Legs

Pepper soup is a sauce that is mostly eaten in cameroon when there alot of cold. Pepper soup is one of the dishes that has healing properties.

Cameroon – Banga-Rice

We could use Palm kennel in so many cooking process. In it is the kennel. In my country, it is called banga. Today, after reading this article on local cuisine, you will know how to prepare Banga Rice.

Cameroon, Balkans – Moussaka

This is another simple cuisine but may be complicated for some people who have never tried preparing it. The cuisine I am about to write about below is Moussaka. This is a dish common to the Greek people or rather the Balkans of the east region. I prepared this dish here in Cameroon and I know how delicious it is.

Cameroon – Agege Soup With Boiled Rice

Agege soup is a local cuisine of tomatoes used that is on the point of rottening, making it to have a sweat taste and at the same time a sour taste. Agege soup with boiled rice is originating from Cameroon, precisely the Littoral part of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Chicken Fried Rice

Fried rice is a delicious dish loved by many and prepared by many in so many different ways. Fried rice is prepared in many different colors including brown fried rice, yellow fried rice, green fried rice and red fried rice.