Mozambique – Baked Sweet Potatoes

In Mozambique, sweet potatoes are highly eaten. There are varieties of cooking styles for this cereals, yet the most taste ones is by baking them either in open flame of by soaking with smoke.

Pakistan – Hunter Beef Sandwich

It is a popular dish of Pakistan. Everyone liked to eat this sandwich. A real knockout, this one! It is mostly popular after Eid-ul-Adha. Hunter beef is so delicious and spicy and the part of Pakistani local cuisine.

Senegal – Chicken Yassa

Chicken Yassa can be prepared with chicken, lamb or fish. But chicken is best. People in Senegal prefer chicken because it is common. In Senegal, you could see people raring chickens in their open yards.

Cameroon – Irish Potatoes Bouillon With Cow Meat

Like in the United State of America they love frying Irish potatoes especially to eat in hamburgur or tacos but here in Cameroon we mostly love doing Irish potatoes and pepper soup. And meals also best to eat when you have caught cold.

Cameroon – Baked Rice With Fried Chicken

Traditionally, rice is known to be fried or better still stewed. It will sound very strange to listen to that rice is being baked. Yes, it gives a strange feeling to know that you will eat baked rice. Baked rice with fried chicken is cooked in the South region of Cameroon, precisely Sangmelima.

Cameroon – Jollof rice

I have once written about Jollof rice. This is a very simple cuisine that is valued and enjoyed by many around the world. This article today on Jollof rice is like any other I have written on, but this today will be slightly different.

Cameroon – Sauté Spaghetti and Pork

Spaghetti is considered a fast or easy to prepare dish so most people especially students have named it “last option”. Reasons spaghetti is called last option around student areas is because it is cheap, fast to prepare and easy to fine. Sauté spaghetti though is a delicious meal prepared with pork and vegetables like carrots and green beans.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Chicken Pakora With Salad

Pakora is the delicious, tasty, crispy fried, and adorable chicken made by desi peoples. We can use this as an appetizer as well. This is the most loved snack for tea time.

Nigeria – Abacha and Ugba

This meal am about to write on is also called African salad. From its out look, someone will think it is salad. Abacha is prepared from casava. it is cooked well first, then grated and then sun dried. Abacha is a meal prepared and valued by the Nigerians, mainly by those from the eastern part of Nigeria.

Cameroon – How to Cook Douala Meat Pie

The African food dish is immensely rich in terms of food and culture. Food is part of the culture as culture represents the aspects of life in the African culture. Douala meat pie is special diet eaten in the littoral part of Cameroon.