Tag Archive for: Cameroon Cuisine

Cameroon – Groundnut Leaves Soup With Plantains

Groundnut leaves soup is a soup which is a combination of both modern times and ancient times so as to maintain the soup leaves. Groundnut leaves soup with plantains is a local cuisine coming from the zone area of Lebialem, a division in the South West part of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Baked Rice With Fried Chicken

Traditionally, rice is known to be fried or better still stewed. It will sound very strange to listen to that rice is being baked. Yes, it gives a strange feeling to know that you will eat baked rice. Baked rice with fried chicken is cooked in the South region of Cameroon, precisely Sangmelima.

Cameroon – Pumpkins Wrapped With Plantain Leaves

Pumpkins food is a local cuisine reminds us of our ancestral descendants that used local methods in order to cook delicious meals with practically no side effect. Pumpkins wrapped with plantain leaves is a food cooked in the locality of Ndu situated in the North West region precisely after Nkambe.

Cameroon – Countri Green Leaves Vegetables.

Countri green leaves vegetables is a meal prepared in Cameroon by the Nso people, who are better known as Banso. Originally, it was a meal prepared for their Fon and he was the only one who had the right to eat countri green leaves.

Cameroon – Fiyifiyi Leaves and Boiled Macabo

Fiyifiyi leaves are flat green leafy vegetables that grow mostly in gardens where cabbage, lettuce and sometimes carrots have been planted. This vegetable in common in the North West region of Cameroon especially in santa, bambili, ndop and banso. Fiyifiyi leaves and macabo is thus a delicacy to the people in these areas.

Cameroon – Apatha Soup and Ripe Plantains

Apatha soup is a fruit vegetable soup gotten from a fruit vegetable called apatha. This soup is widely prepared by the people of the mbu area in the North West region of Cameroon. This soup is eaten with plantains, white yams and even rice.

Cameroon – How to Cook Douala Meat Pie

The African food dish is immensely rich in terms of food and culture. Food is part of the culture as culture represents the aspects of life in the African culture. Douala meat pie is special diet eaten in the littoral part of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Pizza

Have you an oven, or a gas cooker with an oven, then I think you can make your own home base Pizza. There are many Pizza joins around the world. In my country alone, I can’t count, talk less of the western world.

Cameroon – Nkumnkum and Groundnut-okro Soup

Nkumnkum is cassava flour gotten from grinding dry cassava. Nkumnkum is a typical meal of the people of the south west and center region of Cameroon since these group of people cultivate cassava on a large scale. This dish is eaten with okro-groundnut soup.

Cameroon – Fried Fish With Boiled Carrots

Fried fish is cooked during morning times so as to take it as a form of breakfast due to the fact that is simple to cook. Fried fish with boiled carrots comes from the Littoral, the Cameroonian region mostly known as the River of prawns. The River of prawns is today known as River Wouri.