Tag Archive for: Cameroon Cuisine

Cameroon – Beignet Maize With Flour

Beignet maize with flour is the type of puff balls that is cooked with the use of fresh corn. This dish comes from the West and NorthWest parts of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Mbangem Suburbs Roasted Fish With Manioc

Mbangem suburbs roasted fish is a quite a unique meal due to its freshness. The taste of this fish is very fresh, it is not cold like the case of eating fish, but this time, it is very fresh due to the fact that it has just been removed from water.

Cameroon – Coconut Cake

In the western world, cakes are commonly eating as meals. A slice of cake with fruit juice makes the belly heavy and satisfied. Cake is food which is sweet because, one of the ingredients used in making cake is sugar.

Cameroon – Egussi Okro and Yellow Garri

Okro is a fruit vegetable grown in almost if not all but at least six regions in Cameroon. In the center region okro can be seen grown by the beti and ewondo tribe. Okro soup itself is very nutritive and good for every age group from a toddler to adults to the aging.

Cameroon – White Rice and Groundnut Soup

White rice and groundnut soup is consider in Cameroon as a poor man’s dish, this consideration is mostly heard in big towns in Cameroon such as Yaoundé, Douala, Llimbe and Buea. Putting aside this attribution, rice and groundnut soup is a delicious meal and very nutritious since it contains all the classes of nutrients. It is widely prepared all over Cameroon’s national territory especially in the east, north, far north and extreme north.

Cameroon – Black Beans and Dodo

Bean is a common seed crop which is cultivated almost in all regions of Cameroon. Beans are cultivated in both the raining season as well as the dry season in Cameroon thus there is an abundant of beans in the country. Black beans and dodo is a delicious meal loved by many and eaten at anytime as it can be taken as breakfast.

Cameroon – Sauce Pimenté Avec Porc

Sauce pimenté avec porc is a soup that is eaten by drinking. This particular sauce is cooked for the cleansing of the body after drinking alcohol. If you are looking for an alcohol therapy so as to be prepared for the coming week’s work, you have found it at the right time. Sauce pimento is cooked in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Garri Fufu And Eggs

Garri fufu and eggs is a cuisine being prepared for economic reasons. It was often prepared by the low class, but with interesting taste that it contains, all the classes of the society do prepare and enjoy the garri with eggs.

Cameroon – Bamileke Sauce Jaune

This food is highly eaten by the bamilekes in the western region in Cameroon, there are many regions which the Bagante, Bafang, Bana and many others. Each of these regions and other regions in Cameroon has their own different ways of cooking sauce jaune.

Cameroon – Sandwich

This food typically consisting of vegetables, cheese or meat etc. placed in between sliced bread. Here in Cameroon, we use fish. Read more below and see how we/I go about sandwich preparation.