Tag Archive for: Cameroon Cuisine

Cameroon – Kambass With Turning Cocoa Yams and Cocoa Leaves

Kambass is a type of seafood that is eaten in the place of beef or pork. It is highly recommended as a seafood. Kambass are sea creatures that are caught by fishermen living at the coastal areas of Cameroon, precisely coastal areas like Dibamba, Batcham in different regions and localities of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Black Soup With Kum Kum

Black soup with Kum Kum is a local cuisine being preprared solely during official occasions. Such special occasion is the case of mariages. In this case, inhabitants or people originating from Akum prepare the black soup with Kum Kum during marital ceremonies such as welcoming the groom into the bride’s family.

Cameroon – Fried Chicken With White Beans

It may sound surprising to eat fried chicken with white beans, but when it comes to food, there should actually be no surprises. Fried chicken with white beans is cooked in the Mbam Lekie division in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Fufu and Vegetable (Native Name Jamajama)

Vegetable and corn fufu are one of the most eaten dishes in Cameroon. It is said to be the traditional meal of the Nso people, a tribe in Cameroon and the Kom people as well. This dish has several means of arriving at a delicious end result.

Cameroon – Roasted Plantains and Palm Oil/Source

This dish is really simple. Looking at it, you may say, what type of a dish is this. Warmed palm oil and plantains or cassava or coco. This dish you see above is what most African parents leaved on for so many years before the discovery of new food types.

Cameroon – Akum Beans

Akum is a locality located in the Northwest region of Cameroon, precisely in the Meme division. Today our point of focus is on the Akum beans and its preparation.

Cameroon – Brown Fish Soup With Brown Pounded Brown Coco

Brown fish soup is a soup having a brown color, reason why it is being called brown soup due to the browness in color. This food comes from Bamenka, the Western region of Cameroon. But now, it has gone to all the zones of Cameroon, the center region, the North region, the Littoral.

Cameroon – Jakiri Village Roasted and Boiled Mou Mou Fish

Jakiri mou mou fish is a fish living in muddy areas. This is the reason, it is called, mou mou fish. Jakiri village roasted and boiled mou mou fish is a fish type being caught in the Rivers of Jakiri, as it is a muddy area where fish grows abundantly.

Cameroon – Yellow Spahgetti With Chicken

Yellow spaghetti is a type of spaghetti that is very rare from all the existing types of spaghetti. This is because, a yellow ingredient is being added to the spaghetti to make it yellow in colour.

Cameroon – Chicken Green Soup

Chicken green soup is a soup made most of chicken. In this case, the chicken will not be cut in many portions, but a just some few parts. This is a kind of tradition that has been followed for decades now and cannot be stopped just like that. Chicken green soup is being prepared in the region of Baku in the West of Cameroon.