Tag Archive for: Cameroon Cuisine

Cameroon – Jeck Meat With Fried Irish Potatoes

Jeck meat with fried irish potatoes is a another form of bifteck. This food originates from the fact that it is solely for people who have a high degree of sugar in their blood. Jeck meat comes from the centre region, precisely in the locality of Sangmalima. Though now, it has spreaded to other parts of the country.

Cameroon – Bitter Leave Soup

Bitter leave soup is a very nice and delicious soup commonly eating Nigeria and Cameroon. Bitter leave grows both in the dry season and raining season. Just the leaves, when harvested and cooked, it is being drank to reduce sugar level for diabetes patients. It is considered a traditional medicine.

Cameroon – Moino Meat

Moino meat is meat gotten from a bird species. The bird in question is called moino and it lives in bushy areas and swampy areas. The eating of moino is well spreaded in the locality of Ndé and it has become a substitute of chicken. Moino meat is a meat type that has spreaded to the other regions and localities of Cameroon.

Cameroon – How to cook Cameroon grassfield chicken sauce

Cameroon grassfield chicken sauce is a sauce being prepared and eaten in the grassfield areas of Cameroon. The grassfield areas of Cameroon are made up of regions of the Northwest, the Southwest and the West.

Cameroon – Coconut Rice

Coconut is said to have long existed about 10000 years. Coconut rice is very delicious meal that could be cook in so many homes around Cameroon, Africa and the world at large. This is rice prepared with coconut water.

Cameroon – Pumpkin Leaves

Pumpkin leaves is such a delicious meal which many people fail to understand or neglect this meal. Pumpkin leaves is very nutritive and cheap to get. This meal is good for convalescence, breastfeeding mothers and the aging ones.

Cameroon – Fried Fish With Boiled Carrots

Fried fish is cooked during morning times so as to take it as a form of breakfast due to the fact that is simple to cook. Fried fish with boiled carrots comes from the Littoral, the Cameroonian region mostly known as the River of prawns. The River of prawns is today known as River Wouri.

Cameroon – Snail Source

Snail is good meat in Cameroon. Oh yes. Very nice meat. So-many stories have been said about snails. The snail is said to be the slowest living thing God created to exist on earth.

Cameroon – Yam Tubers With Green Vegetable Leaves

Yam tubers with green vegetable leaves is a common meal in Cameroon. It is a common meal in that it tells the story of a people that live by Divine Instructions, tilting the soil. The people that eat this food do not care much about the taste but the wellbeing it offers them after they eat this food. This is story of the people of Nanga-Ebogo in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Kwacoco Bible

Kwacoco Bible is grated cocoyam mixed with spinach, palm oil, spices, smoked fish, crayfish, wrapped in plantain leaves and steamed and is cooked by many families, reasons being that it is economical and it has an ancestral link, that is, it is being perpetuated right from our ancestors to our grandparents till present date. Kwacoco Bible is a delicacy commonly prepared in the south west region of Cameroon.