Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Champ Masala (Mutton Chops Curry)

This is a special dish served all around the world. Champ is actually what we chops in English and masala is used for gravy or curry.

Syria – Pistachio Tahini Halvah

Halva is a dessert that can be cooked by adding different main ingredients like nuts, fruits, semolina, flour, grains, etc. This dish is very popular in WEST ASIA. In Syria, halwa is cooked usually grains based. This dish is said to be the confectionary food item. It is basically a dessert or sweet dish for confections. Halvah is a dish that originated from Persian cuisine. It is a very old and traditional dish from the 7th century. In the Arabic language, Halwa means SWEET CONFECTION.

Africa – African Cabbage Stew

Cabbage is among the green vegetable cultivated in South Africa. It is known for its significance to clear cancer cells in most of the body parts.

Korean – Tteokbokki

Tteokbokki is Korea’s very popular dish which usually consists of small rice cakes in a spicy sauce. This dish is also known by another name that is ”Spicy Stir-fried rice cake”. This dish was first recorded in the 19th century in the book of SIUIJEONSEO. This dish has many varieties according to the best ingredients to be added.

Zambia – Chikanda

Zambian breakfast is served with pickled orchids. Chakanda, commonly known as African Polio, is one of the tastiest desserts in Zambia. The food was traditionally associated with the Baby tribe of the Northeast and Zambia, but today it is of interest throughout the country.

United Arab Emirates – Beef Murtabak

This is Middle Eastern style stuffed bread or stuffed pancakes. This fried and stuffed bread found in the Asian side of the world like Saudia Arabia, Yemen, Dubai, Kuwait, Malaysia, etc. The word MURTABAK is an Arabic word that means FOLDED.

Pakistan – Samosa (Traditional Pakistani Snack)

Samosa in Pakistan is all famous even small streets must have samosa stalls around.

Cameroon – How to cook Bandjong yellow koki beans

Bandjong yellow koki beans is a food cooked during special moments in this locality. It is prepared during knock doors and the welcoming and presentation of a new born baby. Bandjong is a locality located in the far ends of the Western region, the region close to the North West region.

Cameroon – MARAQ or Pepper Soup Meat Sauce

Do you have patient who doesn’t have appetite to eat and you are wondering what to give him or her, you have save the stress for today? As you read through this article your patient will be able to eat something and that will make him or her healthy, energized and strong.

Pakistan – Masar Chawal

In Urdu, this dish is also known as DAAL chawal. Daal is this legume soup and Chawal means rice. But when a specified pulse like this brown pulse is used, this is called MASAR. This dish is from the INDIAN SUBCONTINENT. This is the same procedure of cooking as Indian and Bengali cuisine.