Singapore – Yong Tau Foo

Yong tau foo is actually a very unique and famous dish of HAKKA CHINESE. Yong Tau Foo is actually named as “STUFFED TOFU”. There are many vegetables that we can use in it and, you can add the fish paste in it also. It is famous in many countries like SINGAPORE, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA,CHINA, HONG KONG, THAILAND, etc.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan – Qabili Palao (Pilaf)

Qabili palao is one of the most famous dishes in Pakistan. It is prepared with the meat and rice full of spices. The meaning of this dish is actually divided into words, it originated from the word “ QABIL” in Urdu which has the meaning of surefooted.

The United Kingdom, England – Sweet Dessert Banoffee Pie

Banoffee Pie is another type of delightfully sweet dessert. It is firstly made by a British Chef whose name is Ian Dowding, who firstly discovered this dessert probably in 1971. The word Banoffee has come from two words which are Banana and Toffee

Pakistan – Dum Pukht

Balochistan is a province of Pakistan. Every province, every region of Pakistan has its own tradition about clothing, their rituals and even food.
Speciality of balochistan in food is DUM PUKHT and SAJJI. Both dishes are similar somehow with some variations.

Italy – Bistecca Alla Fiorentina

Bistecca Alla Fiorentina is a special Tuscan T- bone steak whose meat is gathered from a special breed of cow known as Chianina cow. The beauty of this steak is its appearance as it attracts people towards it. It is more like a celebratory dish as it has a quite bit of history behind it. The first Bistecca steak was made in the year 1565 during the celebrations in the honor of San Lorenzo at the time of the Medici. Fiorentina steak is one of the best steaks in the world in terms of flavor and also the outcome after cooking it.

Cameroon – Puff Puff

Puff puff is one of west Africa breakfast delicacy. This is usually eating most at times during breakfast. With tea or pap. In Cameroon, during the rush hour mornings, many people leave their homes hurrying to work without eating at home.

Pakistan, India and Bangladesh – Brownies

Brownies is basically a type of cake which is used in birthday parties and many other place. Many people like to eat this cake because it has a good taste. Many people make it with the help of oven and many people make it without using oven.

Nigeria – Cauliflower Fried Rice

Rice as the often say in Africa, is a meal for all. Cualiflower fried rice is common to the Nigerians. It is delicious and could be prepared and eating anywhere and everywhere.

Africa – How to cook groundnuts soup

First of all I am going to tell you on the nutrient of groundnut to the body for we have to know all the nutrients food contents so that we can know how to consume it and when to consume it.

Vietnam, Hong Kong (China) – Banh Cuon

The meaning of Banh Cuon is ” STEAMED ROLLS ” and Banh Cuon is the Vietnamese dish which came from the Northern side of Vietnam. Banh Cuon is the most popular dish because this dish is available in the streets and in every event or function of Vietnam. Banh Cuon is a Western dish which is originated from Northern Vietnam.