Tanzania – Liver Roast with Potatoes

In northern parts of Tanzania, living are tribes known not only for crops cultivation, but also for animal realing. They support kind of animal keeping in large amount as a sign of wealthy.

Tanzania – Pilau of Rice-Beans Mix

This food is famous in nothern parts of Tanzania with Chagga tribe taking the lead followed by Pare tribe. It includes rice and beans as the main ingredients, various kinds of recipes like Cardamon, Garlic, Cirnamon and so many others, that do have thousands of functions in our bodies.

Tanzania – Bilinganya Stew

Tracing the origin of Bilinganya in Tanzania, was first introduced in Sukuma lands northern of the coutry.
The plant was used as medicine to treat low blood tendency in the body traditionally.

Malawi, Tanzania – Malawi Stiff Porridge (Nsima)

Since the African traditional wars around 18s-19s, Nsima has been used as the best food because it is believed to bring energy.

Tanzania – Papaya Roast

Tanzania is a blessed country as it has a lot to give and express. Apart from it’s delicious juice, have you ever wondered that unripe pawpaw may produce a wonderful vegetable taste! Sure it can. Kerewe people originating from Ukerewe Islands have the methods for this.

Tanzania – Pawpaw Chicken Roast

Tanzania is a country located in the eastern Africa, a famous country with Tanzanite minerals. Pawpaw are another fruits grown in the country mostly at home level.

Tanzania – Natural Colorful Rice

One from Tanzania By Robert Christopher This one comes from most of Tanzanian urban ceremonies especially wedding cerebrations and birthday parties. This kind of rice style doesn’t include any artificial food colours, it is prepared with natural remedies together with natural rice. Big cities like Dar es Salaam and Arusha this rice style is no […]

Tanzania – Red Rice (Tomato Rice)

Red rice in Tanzania is among the best loved dishes, as it tests ones well cooking strategy. There is a say, “one rice piece, a thousand cooking styles”. The cuisine resembles to Jollof rice from Nigeria but this one is quite different, once you take it, you won’t regret it.