Tanzania – Bilinganya Stew

Tracing the origin of Bilinganya in Tanzania, was first introduced in Sukuma lands northern of the coutry.
The plant was used as medicine to treat low blood tendency in the body traditionally.

Tanzania – Vibambara Stew

Tanzania is a country located in the eastern part of African continent. Tribes dealing with fishing activities are found near the lakes, rivers and oceans. Most people prepares Vibambara. Vibambara are sliced fish to make nealy equal two parts, smoke them to dry and store for a longer period of time..

Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa – African Chicken Vegetable

In most parts of Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa this kind of vegetable is a favor choice to many consumers.

Tanzania – Sorghum Stiff Porridge

Sukuma tribe from Tanzania-Africa is known for preparing sorghum stiif porridge and this is because they cultivate it as well.

Tanzania – Michembe, Sheet Potato Boiled Crisp

From Sukuma and Nyamwezi tribes in the Lake and Western Zones of Tanzania, Michembe was their favorite food, but with the presence of rice and wheat products consumer’s preferences to Michembe is now ceasing to exist.

Tanzania – Liver Roast with Potatoes

In northern parts of Tanzania, living are tribes known not only for crops cultivation, but also for animal realing. They support kind of animal keeping in large amount as a sign of wealthy.

Tanzania – Boiled Sweet Potato with Coconut

Potato cultivation is also done with Sukuma and Kerewe people in Tanzania. Preparation method will include some sort of Coastal food preparation styles, since coconut is not primary cultivated with Sukumas and Kerewes.

Tanzania – Red Rice (Tomato Rice)

Red rice in Tanzania is among the best loved dishes, as it tests ones well cooking strategy. There is a say, “one rice piece, a thousand cooking styles”. The cuisine resembles to Jollof rice from Nigeria but this one is quite different, once you take it, you won’t regret it.