Tanzania – Boiled Sweet Potato with Coconut

Potato cultivation is also done with Sukuma and Kerewe people in Tanzania. Preparation method will include some sort of Coastal food preparation styles, since coconut is not primary cultivated with Sukumas and Kerewes.

Tanzania – Chips Mayai

Chips Mayai is a very popular dish in Tanzania. This is a very common dish in Tanzania and other parts of Africa like Cameroon. In Cameroon, this is a very popular dish and it could be seen made on the streets every day for breakfast. But in Tanzania and other African countries like Cameroon, they add more value to it.

Tanzania – Matembele

Matembele are green leaves, mostly like potato leaves but with narrow shape and a red color at its steam. They have been named as bloody grass because it’s a major role they play into our bodies, to support blood production within.

Zanzibar, Tanzania – Mtuzi wa Samaki

Most origins of cuisines came about as a result of the movement of people from one locality to the other and from one continent to the next. This cuisine, Mtuzi wa Samaki originates from the small island of Zanzibar.

Tanzania – Pilau of Rice-Beans Mix

This food is famous in nothern parts of Tanzania with Chagga tribe taking the lead followed by Pare tribe. It includes rice and beans as the main ingredients, various kinds of recipes like Cardamon, Garlic, Cirnamon and so many others, that do have thousands of functions in our bodies.

Tanzanian – Fatoor (Futari)

Futari is the famous term used in Tanzania to mean meal taken during Ramadhan period. The food is prepared most with Islamic women (in all parts of the country) and enjoyed by anyone.

Tanzania – Furu Roast

Furu is a name for short small fish normally found in lakes, specifically lake Tanganyika and Victotia in Tanzania.

Tanzania – Bloody Grass

Tanzania is among the famous East African countries. In these countries most of the families do have a home garden. In home gardens at least one family in 10 families will have these green leaves called bloody grass, anyways they call it “Matembele” in Swahili.

Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa – African Chicken Vegetable

In most parts of Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa this kind of vegetable is a favor choice to many consumers.

Tanzania – Bilinganya Stew

Tracing the origin of Bilinganya in Tanzania, was first introduced in Sukuma lands northern of the coutry.
The plant was used as medicine to treat low blood tendency in the body traditionally.