Nigeria – Obe Eja Tutu

Obe What Tutu is a fresh fish stew and taken as a healthy one prepared over slowly cooking procedures but gives out a sound taste. Obukun fish is the most used fish to prepare the cuisine, especially in the central parts of the country.

Nigeria – Beef Stew

Beef stew is delicious soup, unlike normal stew, the extra ingredient we will use here is red win. This wine helps to give the stew a rich content and flavor as well.

Nigeria – Abak Atama Soup

Today, you will be reading about Abak Atama Soup. This is a delicious soup popular amongst the Ibibios of Akwa Ibom State in southern Nigeria. Unlike some other soups, this meal got its names from the ingredient used for preparation.

Nigeria – Marugbo Soup

Marugbo Etawa soup is that which is eating by the Ondo people of the western part of Nigeria. This is soup traditional prepared with a combination of two leaves which are dried Marugbo leaf and dried Efirin leaf.

Nigeria – Fried Rice

Fried rice in Nigeria is among the loved dishes and prepared in every home mostly for special home events.

Nigeria – Ikokore (Yam Portage)

Ikokore (Water yam portage) originated from Ogun state, Nigeria and is a major dish for the Ijebu natives.

Nigeria – Aagun

Yoruba people from Nigeria have a lot of cuisines to taste, their cuisines are even in form of cereal mix, meat mix, vegetables mix or both mixes at a time. Aagun will work better for vegetarians as it is sourced from cornmeal.