Cameroon – Pepper Soup

Most at times and particularly in the western world, many value soups. Soups are used most often as appetizers and most are deliciously prepared to suit that purpose.

Cameroon – Bitter Leave Soup

Bitter leave soup is a very nice and delicious soup commonly eating Nigeria and Cameroon. Bitter leave grows both in the dry season and raining season. Just the leaves, when harvested and cooked, it is being drank to reduce sugar level for diabetes patients. It is considered a traditional medicine.

Cameroon – Fish With Mashed White Beans and Fried Ripe Plantains

In major cities of Cameroon, particularly Douala, there is a tendency that has taken all over the place. The tendency is that people resort to a client environment particularly beside quiet waters to eat and enjoy fish with mashed white beans and fried ripe plantains. Fish with mashed white beans and fried ripe plantains is a meal prepared in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Potatoes Soup With Fried Fish

Potatoes soup with fried fish is a very delicious meal that is cooked in a simple manner, but with so much taste in the mouth after having a difficult day. This local cuisine is coming from the Northern part of the country, Nagoundere in particular, then to the other localities like Adamawa.

Cameroon – Mpouh Fish Sauce

Mpouh fish is a creamy white flavouredful sauce with the main ingredient being fish and njansang. Mpouh fish originated from the people of lebialem in the south west region of Cameroon. One funny aspect about this dish is that mpouh is plantain flour and it is eaten with plantain hummmmm what a wonderful dish.

Nigeria – Yam and Sweet Potatoes Stuffed Balls

At times, when you see some meals, you turn to think if they are fake or experiments, whereas the meal truly exist. Yam and sweet potatoes with stuffed balls is a delicious meal. There was a day prepared this meal at home during a small gathering.

Cameroon – Pourish Irish Potatoes Commonly Known as: Hot-Pot

Pourish Irish potatoes Is a simple dish and loved by many Cameroonians. The dish is easy to cook and less expensive. During this hard time of the corona virus spread all over the continents, many countries have implemented national lock downs to prevent the spread of this virus.

Cameroon – Banana Melaxe

Banana melaxe is a meal gotten from unripe bananas and enough ground groundnut. Banana melaxe is a dish which is very common with Bamlike people from the west region of Cameroon. Banana melaxe is good for breast feeding mothers as it is believed that it helps in producing enough breast milk.

Cameroon – How to cook Bandjong yellow koki beans

Bandjong yellow koki beans is a food cooked during special moments in this locality. It is prepared during knock doors and the welcoming and presentation of a new born baby. Bandjong is a locality located in the far ends of the Western region, the region close to the North West region.

Cameroon – Okok

Okok is a meal or a traditional Cameroonian dish from the central region of Cameroon. It is mostly called “Yaoundé chop” because the people from this area adores this dish. Okok is eru leaves in the Yaoundé dialect, it thus takes its name from this vegetable bearing the name okok. To the Yaoundé people they believe that the beauty of okok has not been felt until it is served with a bottle of red wine.