Cameroon – Koki Beans

Koki beans is a deliciuous meal which is gotten from a special specie of beans called black-eyed-peas. This beans is cultivated mostly in some villages in the north west region like in Ndu and Ntui and in the south west region in meme division particularly in Mbonge , ekombe bonji and ekondo titi. Here in Cameroon you will hear names like “mami koki” referring to women who sell koki for a livelihood.

Cameroon – Achiquaqua

Achiquaqua is a local soup that has as particularity the fact that it is being cooked with so many different types of meat. The reason why there is an assembly of different types of meat is that it represents the types of meat and their story. Achiquaqua is a local cuisine coming from the Southern and Littoral part of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Herb White Rice With Mushroom

If you want to know about secrete meals that exist around the country, ask tourist. These guys go to where ever the like and eat whatever the country has to offer as food.

Cameroon – Moino Meat

Moino meat is meat gotten from a bird species. The bird in question is called moino and it lives in bushy areas and swampy areas. The eating of moino is well spreaded in the locality of Ndé and it has become a substitute of chicken. Moino meat is a meat type that has spreaded to the other regions and localities of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Groundnut Soup With Cow Leg Meat

Groundnut soup is a special soup of its kind. It is a very unique type of food eaten with cooked groundnut as a complementary to the sauce being prepared with. This food is being cooked by the people of the East region found in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Djemba-fin vegetable leaves with fried plantains

Djemba-fin vegetable leaves is a type of leaf known for its medicinal effects, as it can be taken in so many forms. It is highly loved by people due to the health effect, positive effects, it brings to the human system and immune system. Djemba-fin is a village found in the South West region of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Fufu Rice With White Cabbage and Olives

Fufu rice with white cabbage and olives is a food concept that deals in making fufu out of rice. Normally, fufu is being made from corn or cassava. This dish is a meal coming from Mankon, in the Mezam Division, Cameroon.

Cameroon – Ajere Meat

The name Ajere meat comes from the Widikum dialect which means in English language the pink meat. This is due to the ingredients that is being used that gives the meat, the pink color. Ajere meat comes from the locality of Widikum, under the subdivision of Manchum in the North west side of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Kombassa Soup

Kombassa soup is a soup of raw plantains and chicken. Kombassa here stands for unity. So the use of kombassa in describing this meal has its great significance which means the food that unites. The way the plantains is being cooked is different from the traditional cooking style of plantains. Kombassa soup comes from Kom in the North West region of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Meat Patch With Tomatoes

Meat patch with tomatoes is a meat specie that is being cooked for festivals and ceremonies. The aim of this food is actually to make people happy when they are going back to their various homes. Meat patch with tomatoes is cooked in West region of Cameroon.