Cameroon – Kokono Soup With Plantains

Kokono soup with plantains has a special entity in that it talks about the history of the Kokono people which is a village. The cooking of this meal is like a form of initiation the new born adults in the culture of the Kokono. Kokono soup with plantains tradition comes from the Akonolinga inhabitants in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Spaghetti

Spaghetti is a long, thin, solid, cylindrical pasta. It is one of the easiest meals to prepare yet some people don’t know how to get pass that.

Cameroon – Mets de Viande

Have you ever eaten raw cocoa in its first state. If it is not yet the case, you have the possibility of doing with Mets de viande. Mets de viande is a traditional meal eaten due to its taste like cocoa in its raw state, that is in its first state. Coocoa is highly cultivated in this part of the country.

Cameroon – Akra and Beans/Breakfast Cuisine

In Cameroon, along the road, you could see an aged lady that has been frying Akra for a very long time. It is like a profession for most people and a sauce of income. This helps the poor and at times the rich too. Akra is very important breakfast cuisine in Cameroon, made from white beans seeds.

Cameroon – Pomme Haricot

Pomme haricot is a meal that deals in the combination of pomme and haricot in order to have this delicious meal. Pomme haricot comes from the grassfield areas of Cameroon, the Santa locality.

Cameroon – Chicken Fried Rice

Fried rice is a delicious dish loved by many and prepared by many in so many different ways. Fried rice is prepared in many different colors including brown fried rice, yellow fried rice, green fried rice and red fried rice.

Cameroon – Apatha Soup and Ripe Plantains

Apatha soup is a fruit vegetable soup gotten from a fruit vegetable called apatha. This soup is widely prepared by the people of the mbu area in the North West region of Cameroon. This soup is eaten with plantains, white yams and even rice.

Nkinsinjam, Northwest Cameroon – Corn Fufu With Tomatoes

The type of meal, I am about to teach here is mostly known as traditional meal. Traditional meal highly appreciated by the local people due to the fact that it is believed to natural and contains natural ingredients. In Kninsinjam, corn fufu with tomatoes is believed to be uniting the ancestral world and the world of the living.

Cameroon – Red Sauce With Fresh Fish

Red sauce is sauce that is entirely red in color as it is said in the name, due to some special species that is being used that gives this red color and very succulent at the same time. Red sauce with fresh fish is a particular sauce cooked in the South West region of Cameroon, precisely Buea, the capital of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Kwacoco Bible

Kwacoco Bible is grated cocoyam mixed with spinach, palm oil, spices, smoked fish, crayfish, wrapped in plantain leaves and steamed and is cooked by many families, reasons being that it is economical and it has an ancestral link, that is, it is being perpetuated right from our ancestors to our grandparents till present date. Kwacoco Bible is a delicacy commonly prepared in the south west region of Cameroon.