Cameroon – Huckleberry and Chicken Gizzard With Fried Plantains

Huckleberry is a meal or accompaniment that can be eaten with so many different varieties of foods. Back in the days it was a taboo for a woman to eat gizzard so when preparing chicken, gizzard will be saved specially to the father or given to elderly males in the house, but gone are those days as such believes have been wiped out and anyone can eat chicken gizzard be it male or female and even kids too.

Yaounde, Cameroon – Noix de coco dans le riz saute

The name given to this local cuisine is interesting, it has its origin fron french. Noix de coc dans le riz saute tells you the story of the french speaking side of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Roasted Plantains and Palm Oil/Source

This dish is really simple. Looking at it, you may say, what type of a dish is this. Warmed palm oil and plantains or cassava or coco. This dish you see above is what most African parents leaved on for so many years before the discovery of new food types.

Cameroon – Pomme à la vapeur au poulet

Pomme à la vapeur avec poulet is a local cuisine having the taste of a hot steak that has just been prepared and removed from fire. This food originates from Cameroon precisely in Ebolowa locality, a town not that far from the Center region, which is Yaounde.

Cameroon, Balkans – Moussaka

This is another simple cuisine but may be complicated for some people who have never tried preparing it. The cuisine I am about to write about below is Moussaka. This is a dish common to the Greek people or rather the Balkans of the east region. I prepared this dish here in Cameroon and I know how delicious it is.

Cameroon – Agege Soup With Boiled Rice

Agege soup is a local cuisine of tomatoes used that is on the point of rottening, making it to have a sweat taste and at the same time a sour taste. Agege soup with boiled rice is originating from Cameroon, precisely the Littoral part of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Chocolate Cake

Desert Time right. In the western world, cakes are eating a lot. I don’t know if that’s because I watch a lot of movies or if that is actually true. Chocolate cake is a wonderful piece of desert and could be baked and enjoyed by your family at any giving odd hour.

Cameroon – Dodo With Eggs

Dodo is a fast food which is easily prepared in a couple of minutes. Dodo here stands for fried ripe plantains. Dodo is a food that is generally eaten during morning hours, that is, it is being considered as breakfast.

Cameroon – Jamsu With Fufu and Steak

Jamsu with fufu is the custom and traditional meal of the Jakiri inhabitants. A native of Jakiri sees himself eating Jamsu with fufu and steak from Monday to Sunday without losing an appetite for it. Jamsu with fufu and steak comes from the Jakiri native land.

Cameroon – Ajere Meat

The name Ajere meat comes from the Widikum dialect which means in English language the pink meat. This is due to the ingredients that is being used that gives the meat, the pink color. Ajere meat comes from the locality of Widikum, under the subdivision of Manchum in the North west side of Cameroon.