Tag Archive for: World Cuisine

Philippine – Adobo

When visiting Philippine, we will treat with their beautiful panoramic and endemic animal. For the protein, Philippine people choose to use pork and chicken to complete their meal. As a tourist, you won’t be regret to taste Philippine dish especially Adobo.

Pakistan, India – Palak Gosht (Spinach)

Palak Gosht is the most common and favorite cuisine of people of Pakistan, India, and other Asian countries. Palak is a seasonal dish, it is mostly eaten in the winter season. In the past when spinach was first originated from Persia (Iran) it was called as aspanakh over there.

Pakistan, India – Special Vegetable Aloo Gobi (Cauliflower With Potatoes)

When we talk about some vegetables, it means that they all are the pleasure of nature because we get all vegetables from nature, not from human creation or invention. Cauliflower is one of them. Actually, this is an Indian dish, but it is very popular in Pakistan. This dish is firstly come from the Mughlai cuisines in the era of the Mughal Empire.

Cameroon – Akra and Beans/Breakfast Cuisine

In Cameroon, along the road, you could see an aged lady that has been frying Akra for a very long time. It is like a profession for most people and a sauce of income. This helps the poor and at times the rich too. Akra is very important breakfast cuisine in Cameroon, made from white beans seeds.

Uganda – Small Green Peas Roast

This cusine comes from Uganda. It is among the favourite vegetable recipe available within the country.

Taiwan (China) – Lu Ro Fan

This dish basically named Braised pork rice but in their language, they called ” Lu Ro Fan “. This dish is mostly liked by the people who love to eat spicy foods because this is full of spices like soy sauce, chilies, and so many other ingredients. This is the best dish to eat in Taiwan, seriously this is a mouth-watering dish.

Pakistan – Traditional Desserts Shakar Parry

It is a sweet and crunchy snack that us very famous in Pakistan. It is made up of plain flour and flavoured it with aromatic sweet syrup and knead a dough than roll, cut and fry.

Pakistan – Beef Flying Saucer

Beef flying saucer one of the popular dish of Pakistani cuisine. It is eaten almost every part of Pakistan.

Italy – Creamy Mushroom Chicken Pasta

Today I’ve brought a new recipe which is Chicken pasta which has a creamy taste and contains mushrooms. This dish works perfectly when there are unexpected guests in our house and we have nothing to make at that time. This dish is originated from Italy and the other name of pasta is alfredo. The person who invented this dish was Alfredo di Lelio.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Tradition Special Mutton/Beef Nihari

Nihari may be a direct cooked stew from Indian subcontinent. Nihari word begins from the word Nihar which proposes Day since Nihari is really eaten up interior the morning supper.