Tag Archive for: Tanzanian Cuisine

Tanzania – Flying termites (Kumbikumbi) recipe (Insect Special)

Flying termites are highly available around rainy seasons from February to April in East African countries, this is due to their fertility assurance to start new families as rainy bring about enough food harvest.

Zanzibar, Tanzania – Mtuzi wa Samaki

Most origins of cuisines came about as a result of the movement of people from one locality to the other and from one continent to the next. This cuisine, Mtuzi wa Samaki originates from the small island of Zanzibar.

Tanzania – Michembe, Sheet Potato Boiled Crisp

From Sukuma and Nyamwezi tribes in the Lake and Western Zones of Tanzania, Michembe was their favorite food, but with the presence of rice and wheat products consumer’s preferences to Michembe is now ceasing to exist.

Tanzania – Boiled Sweet Potato with Coconut

Potato cultivation is also done with Sukuma and Kerewe people in Tanzania. Preparation method will include some sort of Coastal food preparation styles, since coconut is not primary cultivated with Sukumas and Kerewes.

Tanzania – Wali and Bamia Mix

Tanzania is a lovely country with a lot of tastes to give, among them are cuisines. Wali and Bamia mix is mostly prepared by Haya, Nyamwezi and Sukuma people settling in the north and central Tanzania. Wali means rice and Bamia means Okras in Swahili, sometimes the terms are applicable even in mother tongues languages.

Tanzania – Coconut Pumpkin

Pumpkins with coconut have various preparing methods, but with Sukuma tribe from Tanzania the method may be more easier and simplified.

Tanzania – Papaya Roast

Tanzania is a blessed country as it has a lot to give and express. Apart from it’s delicious juice, have you ever wondered that unripe pawpaw may produce a wonderful vegetable taste! Sure it can. Kerewe people originating from Ukerewe Islands have the methods for this.

Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa – African Chicken Vegetable

In most parts of Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa this kind of vegetable is a favor choice to many consumers.