Tag Archive for: singapore cuisine

Singapore – Mee Pok

Mee Pok is very unique and tasty noodles that are very saucy and creamy. Mee Pok noodles are wide and flatter as compared to simple noodles. Mee Pok is the CHINESE NOODLES but famous in Singapore especially, also in Malaysia, Indonesia, and many more. Mee KIA is the small version of Mee Pok. Sauce plays a very important role in noodles and, soup is the side dish of noodles. These noodles are served in Chaoshan, the region in the east of China near Guangdong. There are different kinds of noodles in Singapore

Singapore – Spicy Chili Crab

Whenever you visit Singapore then the very first thing that you should try Chili crab, but if you like spicy food. You can enjoy it at dinner or lunch. But people do not wait for lunch or dinner they just enjoy it when they are craving and this is the specialty of this dish

Singapore – Yong Tau Foo

Yong tau foo is actually a very unique and famous dish of HAKKA CHINESE. Yong Tau Foo is actually named as “STUFFED TOFU”. There are many vegetables that we can use in it and, you can add the fish paste in it also. It is famous in many countries like SINGAPORE, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA,CHINA, HONG KONG, THAILAND, etc.

Singapore – Tau Huay

Tau Huay or Douhua is the sweet dish of Singapore which is actually like a pudding. It is a combination of different flavors. Pudding is like a cake but not in the hard form. The texture of the pudding is very smooth, silky, and satisfying.

Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia – Murtabak

Murtabak is a kind of Paratha roti or maybe pancake but actually, it is filled with some stuff which made it special roti paratha. MURTABAK is the most famous street food. in the Arabic word which is written as ” MUTABBAQ ” have its meaning ” FOLDED “. This MURTABAK is famous in MALAYSIA, INDONESIA, SINGAPORE especially. Murtabak is originated for the Middle East.

Singapore – Har Cheong Gai

Har cheong gai is one of the most famous dishes of Singapore. This dish is made by the wings of chicken that must be mixed with paste of shrimps. This is a very unique and tasty dish of Singapore because it is up to you which type of spice you want. This dish is also unique because you can enjoy in many different ways.

Singapore – Cendol

Cendol is the icy dessert which is green in its color and a very smooth texture. It is actually a very unique icy and special dessert of Singapore. Every food court or every juice shop in Singapore has this cendol at their shop because dessert is incomplete without Cendol.

Singapore – Char Kway Teow

Char kway teow is the most popular dish of Singapore, but it actually starts from Malaysia but Singaporeans modify its taste according to their taste with their special ingredients. Char kway teo is actually noodles in our English language, So the main ingredient of char kway teow is rice and fish sauce.

Singapore – Tian Tian Chicken Rice

Tian Tian chicken rice is the NATIONAL CUISINE OF SINGAPORE. This is basically a dish of chicken which is served in the rice or with the rice. Tian Tian is always available at every festival in Singapore.

Singapore, Indonesia – Ayam Penyet

Ayam penyet is a fried chicken that is famous all around the world but especially in Singapore. The word Penyet means “SQUEEZED” so this dish is commonly called “SQUEEZED CHICKEN”. It is a Javanese term. The place of origin of Ayam penyet is Indonesia.