Tag Archive for: Pakistani Cuisine

Pakistan – Delicious Broccoli Paratha

A paratha is a kind of a flatbread that is originated in Indian subcontinent and is very famous in countries like Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc. The word paratha is derived from two words parat and atta which means many layers of doughs.

Pakistan – Sulemani Karahi

This dish is the special invention of the people known to be as ”SHINWARI”. This dish is made up of lamb with 3 4 ingredients and when cooked on slow heat it gives a mouth watering effect.

The meat is used for making the special shinwari cuisine is DUMBA known to be as RAM or TUP. This meat has unique taste and giving the dish full kick of flavors.

Pakistan – Murgh Channay

This dish is one of the most famous dishes for breakfast. Every student as well as other persons wants to eat this in breakfast or in lunch must on Sunday

Pakistan – Spaghetti

Spaghetti is an Italian pasta dish invented in Naples in the mid-20th century. Its ingredients typically include tomatoes, olive oil, anchovies, olives, capers and garlic, in addition to pasta.

Pakistan – Beef Chickpeas Curry

Beef Chany that is called in Urdu Gosht chany that is a wonderful combination and this combination is famous in Hyderabad in India. But now days it is famous in Pakistan.

India, Pakistan – Gulab Jamun

Gulab jamun is a second name of a dish. This dish is originated in Persia where this dish is called as Luqmat Al Qadi which is the original name of this sweet dish. This persian dish is made up of dough like balls which are deep fried in oil and then dip in liquid sugar.

Pakistan – Sattu Ka Sharbat

Sattu drink is one of the popular summer drinks in Pakistan. Born in the spring, this sweet delicacy is known for its cooling qualities. It is popular nationwide with variations in states like Punjab and Karachi.

Pakistan, India – Sweet Besan ka Halwa (Semolina)

Besan ka halwa formula with step by step photographs. Delightful besan halwa made from gram flour, ghee, sugar and cardamom powder. I thought of sharing a fast dessert for Eid celebration on the final day of Eid.

Pakistan, India – Traditional Rara Mutton Gravy

Rara Mutton is one of the special dishes of Pakistan and it is originated from the Indian Subcontinent which comes from Lucknow, a city of India. In Pakistan, Rara Mutton is the most favorite dish of people especially in Punjab. Rara Mutton includes the pieces of mutton meat and the mixed minced mutton which made a most delicious dish called “Rara Mutton”. The Northern part of India is called Utter Pardesh which is the capital of Lucknow, which is famous for non-vegetarian cuisines. Rara mutton is also for those who never loved vegetarian dishes and eat only meat-based dish. From the first made, it is the most famous and most loved dish in Asian cuisines, especially in Pakistan and India.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Chicken Saag (Mustard Leaves)

Saag is actually the “LOVE OF PUNJAB”. This is the most famous dish of winter, no one in Pakistan who taste it for the first time and then never demand more. Most of the people eat different saag but Sarson ka saag is best.