Tag Archive for: Pakistani Cuisine

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Khad Khargosh (Rabbit Curry)

Khad is actually the jaw of an animal that is very healthy to eat. This is not a common dish of Pakistan but one of the healthiest dishes to eat. Most people are not known for this dish, but once you eat this you can’t regret eating this.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Mughalian Handi

Mughalai handi is one of the creamiest dishes which is full of cream and dairy products. Its aroma and spices make it delicious. The topping of cream and green chilies and garlic slices will water your mouth.

Pakistan, India – Traditional Rara Mutton Gravy

Rara Mutton is one of the special dishes of Pakistan and it is originated from the Indian Subcontinent which comes from Lucknow, a city of India. In Pakistan, Rara Mutton is the most favorite dish of people especially in Punjab. Rara Mutton includes the pieces of mutton meat and the mixed minced mutton which made a most delicious dish called “Rara Mutton”. The Northern part of India is called Utter Pardesh which is the capital of Lucknow, which is famous for non-vegetarian cuisines. Rara mutton is also for those who never loved vegetarian dishes and eat only meat-based dish. From the first made, it is the most famous and most loved dish in Asian cuisines, especially in Pakistan and India.

Pakistan – Lassi (Punjabi Drink)

Lassi is the traditional national drink of Punjab , Pakistan. It is the fusion of yogurt and milk, can be made in varieties of flavors like either you can add salt according to the taste and also sugar is added so the healthy sweet drink is ready to win every heart.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Jalferezi (Fried Chicken Full of Spices)

Jalferezi is one of the famous dish of Peshawar, Pakistan. This dish has its own different taste full of spices, its aroma is out of the world. You can’t imagine its taste, its unique aroma and taste has its specialty.

Pakistan, India – BBQ Spicy Grilled Fish

Grilled fish has founded in local areas of Pakistan and different or restaurants make it with their style and spice. Some restaurant stalls of fish make very spicy but some are making it moderate with their local demand of the customer. In Pakistan, people are eat grilled fish daily with their family and friends and at other gatherings, especially in the winter season.

Pakistan, Bangladesh, India – Cake Rusk

The meaning of “RUSK” is a dry biscuit or ” twice cooked bread”. Rusk is a type of simple or a brown bread which is made by sugar, butter and eggs. We bake it, chilled it and then sliced it.

Pakistan – Tradition of Winters “Gajjar Ka Halwa” (Carrot Dessert)

Pakistan is a country of all four seasons. We can enjoy cold drinks and dessert in summer when temperature rise to 45 Celsius and the cozy warm desserts in winters.

Pakistan – Traditional Delicious Chicken Paye (Chicken Feet)

Chicken paye is one of the most eaten dishes in Pakistan. This is cooked in many countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh. This is not available in high-class restaurants but this available in small restaurants like Dhaba. There is a very famous market in Pakistan called ”namak mandi”. You can serve this at parties as a starter or as a snack.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh – Matar Pulao ( Rice with Peas )

The pulao here in Pakistan usually made of meat like chicken pulao, beef pulao, although this dish as vegetarian version too like peas pulao, potato pulao, mix vegetable pulao.