Nepal – Churpi Soup

Firstly, we have to know about the Churpi, what actually Churpi is?. Churpi is a very famous and tasty cheese of NEPAL, which is used in different recipes. This cheese is a Nepalese cheese and is called Durka also. Churpi is made with the milk of YAK or COW. People have it in different regions of the HIMALAYA like NEPAL, DARJEELING, SIKKIM, BHUTAN, TIBET, KALIMPONG, etc.

Nepal – Kwati

Kwati is a “STEW”. It is a “HOT SOUP” which is made by mixing different beans. This is one of the most special hot soups of Nepalese cuisine. This hot soup is very important because one of the festivals of Nepal is incomplete without this stew which is known as ” GUNI PUNHI “.

Nepal – Chuira

Chuira is Flattened rice that is eaten at Teatime because it is a kind of Snack that you must try whenever you visit Nepal. Many people use this snack at dinner time or in breakfast because of its taste that you can not deny eating this.

Nepal – Laping

Laping is one of the spiciest noodles in Nepal. Basically, Laping noodles are related to Tibetan cuisine. If you think about the taste of the Laping then you should know that the laping noodles are itself tasteless. Laphing was introduced in Tibet in the beginning. In CHINA, it is called Cold Noodles, originated from the Northern region of China.