The Maldives – Maalhoskeylu Hiki Riha

Maalhoskeyly Hiki Riha is a plantain dry curry. This curry is very different from other curries because other curries have gravy in them but this is dry and so delicious and the main part of the dish is Green ash plantains. Green ash plantains are very similar to bananas but green ash plantains are bigger than bananas. Plantains mainly come from South East Asia but in small quantities, they also come from America.

The Maldives – Aluvi Riha (Potato Curry)

Aluvi Riha is one the most delicious dish in the Maldives. Fish is the most important part of this dish and you can only use tuna fish. Curries like Aluvi Riha were eaten with roshi or flatbread in old times. This dish is available in any restaurant in the Maldives.

The Maldives – Thukaree Riha (Maldivian Vegetable Curry)

Maldavian vegetable curry is so delicious and very different from a very common vegetable curry. This dish is not soo dry it has a little bit of thick gravy in it and this is why it is called VEGETABLE CURRY. This is available at restaurants and also at street vendors.

The Maldives – Traditional Reef Fish Cutlets

Fish cutlets are one the yummiest and popular dishes in the Maldives. Fish cutlets are a bite-able snack that is served with some sauces. This dish is very popular in winters.

The Maldives – Traditional Saagu Bondibai (Sago Pudding)

Sago Pudding is one of the most appetizing and famous desserts in the Maldives. It is basically a sweet pudding with sago in it which is cooked with milk or water. This is the specialty of the Maldives and available at all the restaurants in the Maldives.

The Maldives – Traditional Maroshi (Filled Chapatti)

The most popular and the yummiest dish of the Maldives are ”MAROSHI”. Maroshi is basically a chapatti (tortilla) which is filled with smoked tuna, fresh coconut, and some spices with curry leaves. This dish is also very popular in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Kuwait, etc. The interesting part of the dish is all the elements of the dish are savory except coconut.

The Maldives – Mas Huni (Tuna With Spices)

Mas Huni is one of the most popular and appetizing breakfasts in the Maldives. Mas Huni is basically smoked shredded tuna with coconut, lemon, and onions. In the past, almost 90 percent of dishes contain coconut but in grated form. Maldivian cuisine is also called Dhivehi cuisine in early times.

The Maldives – Traditional Long Eats

Long eats is not basically a dish but a combination of different dishes. So this includes many dishes and that is why it is called Long eats. The important part of the dish is it always includes fish dish. In the ancient times of the Maldives, long eats were not discovered so people call it big breakfast. Now, these big breakfasts are called long eats.

The Maldives – Traditional Garudhiya (Fish Soup)

Garudhiya is one of the famous and traditional dishes of Maldives. Garudhiya is a fragrant fish soup with some kind of spices and vegetables in it. This is so famous in winters. This dish is made by adding water, fish, spices, vegetables, and lemon to it. The very important part of the dish is to add lemon to it because the lemon adds a unique flavor to it.

The Maldives – Traditional Fish Curry

Fish curry is basically curried with fish in it but this is not a simple curry it is very unique and delicious. It contains some spices which are also called Maldivian spices making it special and appetizing. e is basically spiced-up cuisine and this is what makes it Maldivian cuisine.