Japan – Shiitake Zongzi

In a normal word, it is known by the name rice dumplings or sticky rice dumplings. This is a Japanese dish with a few elements in combination. It is basically a rice dish, moreover rice dumplings and also be called rice cakes. During Dragon Boat Festival or Doubler Fifth Festival, this is the dish eaten regularly. And the tradition evolved with the generations and every year in early May of the Japanese lunar calendar, glutinous rice dumplings are cooked and eaten in festivals. There are many variants of the dish.

Japan – Sashimi

Sashimi is a Japanese cuisine dish. It is a very simple but popular dish, this is not the main course but loved by every Japanese people to enjoy it as wholemeal or the main course. Cooking is not even included in making this dish and served with the most famous MISO SOUP, or as a good bowl of rice. SASHIMI means pierced meat. Like Sashi means ”pierced” and mi means ”meat”.

Japan – Khushikatsu

This dish has huge elements to go through the name but it is simply said that this dish is deep-fried, skewered, cutlets of meat and vegetables. The name ”Khushi” means ”Skewers”. And ”Katsu” means ”Cutlets” which is definitely deep-fried. In Tokyo, this dish is famous for pork meat, while food on skewers is originated from Osaka.

Japan – Hayashi Beef Rice

This dish is very popular Japanese dish having rice and beef thick sauce or stew/ gravy. In Japanese cuisine, YOSOKU is the term used in dishes of Japan which is mixed with Western style induced cooking. Although this is a dish of western style but flavours are from purely Japanese kitchen.

Japan – Okowa (Japanese Sticky Rice)

This is Japanese-style steamed sticky rice. This special rice is cooked with vegetables and meat if you like to add on. The word OKOWA came from the Japanese word, KOWAMESHI, which means ”Hard rice”. OKOWA means in this dish like we sometimes used different varieties of rice in making this dish. However, in this dish they are not hard rice, they are cooked sticky rice

Japan – Champon Noodles

This dish is noodles soup having many vegetables and fish, prawns, chicken with eggs and some seasonings. This dish is inspired by Chinese cuisine and is served world widely in many Japanese restaurants. This dish is originated from NAGASAKI, Japan. This was adopted by the Japanese from the Meiji Era. The name of the dish came up by Hookein word, CHIAH-PNG, which means TO EAT MEAT. In Japan, different areas and cities have different flavored-based soup noodles.

Japan – Osechi RAYORI ( New year’s Feast )

TSUBUKU, is actually a founder of this dietary cuisine. The traditional way to celebrate Japanese cuisine’s idea is given by Tsubuku. The main dish of this special feast is ZONI. Zoni is a specially formulated rice dish.

Japan – Raindrop Cake

Raindrop cake; is not it look like a piece of art or something. This is a zero calories dessert in which we can have only two or three ingredients and you come up with a unique dessert like an art piece. This is very clear and crystal dessert so felt like a raindrop.

Japan – Japanese Curry Rice (karē raisu)

Curry is basically a gravy made up of some specific ingredients, spices, yogurt, cream by adding vegetables and meat in it. karē raisu is Japanese curry. It is served on rice with some vegetables that are pickled. This is thick stew-like gravy or curry. This dish is first time introduced at the MEJI ERA and, the first dish was KARE RAISU. It is also a very popular story that Japanese curry is used to cure BERIBERI disease. For Japan, Japanese curry is the national dish of Japanese cuisine.

Japan – Tonkatsu

TONKATSU is a platter of few elements having much variety but the main thing is ”fried tempura pork cutlet”. In sino Japanese language this word means Pork cutlets but having more components on the plate. But star of the dish is this Pork Cutlet/ Fried pork.