Japan – Mushi Manju

It is a sort of steamed cake or steamed dumpling in sweet flavors. It is also known as Japanese Confession cuisine, WAGASHI. Wagashi is the Japanese confession meal that is traditionally served with green tea. Wagashi is made up and serves as a gift for festivals, to admire the Tradition of Japan. Manju is made up of different main ingredient that is filled with the different fillings.

Japan – Katsudon Egg Rice Bowl

Katsudon is a popular Japanese food made up of having two-three items as shown in the name of the dish, rice bowl and eggs. The name of the dish is from two different Japanese dishes: one is from the Japanese rice bowl and the other is from the traditional Japanese Pork cutlet.

Japan – Tsukune

This is a non-veg dish that is actually chicken, lamb, beef, or seafood meatballs. These are known as Japanese meatballs or Tsukune. There are different techniques used in making this amazing dish.

Japan – Yakitori

YAKITORI is a very famous and popular dish among food lovers in Japan. KUSHIYAKI is a term used in Japan for grilling and stirring. So this chicken is marinated and then Khushiyahi on charcoal.

Japan – Sashimi

Sashimi is a Japanese cuisine dish. It is a very simple but popular dish, this is not the main course but loved by every Japanese people to enjoy it as wholemeal or the main course. Cooking is not even included in making this dish and served with the most famous MISO SOUP, or as a good bowl of rice. SASHIMI means pierced meat. Like Sashi means ”pierced” and mi means ”meat”.

Japan – Zosui / Japanese Rice Soup

Zosui is a very healthy and full nutritious soup dish with all the healthy elements to add its benefits to the dish. It is a Japanese version of Congee. Congee is actually a rice porridge dish, very famous in China. This dish is very healthy and easy to digest so it is also served as a staple food for patients and healthcare workers. This is also known to be as Baby food. When nabemono is cooked, the leftover soup can be also used as the Zosui. There are different variant of using instead of rice.

Japan – Japanese Curry Rice (karē raisu)

Curry is basically a gravy made up of some specific ingredients, spices, yogurt, cream by adding vegetables and meat in it. karē raisu is Japanese curry. It is served on rice with some vegetables that are pickled. This is thick stew-like gravy or curry. This dish is first time introduced at the MEJI ERA and, the first dish was KARE RAISU. It is also a very popular story that Japanese curry is used to cure BERIBERI disease. For Japan, Japanese curry is the national dish of Japanese cuisine.

Japan – Okowa (Japanese Sticky Rice)

This is Japanese-style steamed sticky rice. This special rice is cooked with vegetables and meat if you like to add on. The word OKOWA came from the Japanese word, KOWAMESHI, which means ”Hard rice”. OKOWA means in this dish like we sometimes used different varieties of rice in making this dish. However, in this dish they are not hard rice, they are cooked sticky rice

Japan – Kakigori (Japanese Shaved Ice Dessert)

Kakigori is a dessert that is made up of Crushed and shaved ice with having flavors and sweet syrups. Japanese Shaved ice dessert is served with sweet syrups, some fruit chunks, condensed milk, evaporated milk. In summer, this dessert is sold every where in Japan like, dessert shops, tea café, tea stalls, ice cream stalls, etc. This dish is originated in Heian Period in which ice from the mountains bring and topped with flavors.

Japan – Teppanyaki

Teppanyaki is a Japanese-style dish. Teppan means ”Metal plate on which this dish is cooked on”. And Yaki means ”grilled or cooked, fried” etc. It is believe that Teppanyaki dishes are originated from Shigeji Fujioka.