Uganda – Potato-Banana Meat Mix

Uganda is among the East-African countries that cultivate Banana in large scale, it is supported with cool climate and fertile red soil. Banana may have many traditional and modern styles of cooking but today we will prepare the mix of Banana-potatoes with meat.

Uganda – Meat Roast

A taste from Uganda, is always delicious. In Uganda cow meat, goat meat are the most sold meat, due to the fact that they are the most cattles kept.

Uganda – Ugandan Matoke

Kampala is a capital city of Uganda, it is where most of various food dishes found, yet Matoke holds it’s quality as a lovable and delicious food.

Uganda – Spicy Matoke

Matoke is actually the green food of Uganda which is cooked with different kinds of stuff and brings the new taste of every dish. It is all bout the choice of spices because only spices make your dish different and tasty. Matoke is actually a kind of banana but is not fully cooked. It must be green in color when we cooked this. Matoke is origin in Kisii lands.

Uganda – Bambara Groundnuts with Coconut Roast

This type of groundnut historically was found Peru, South America. In Africa, it’s cultivated in many countries include South Africa, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sudan.

Uganda – Ferinda

Ferinda is a traditional dish from Tooro region located in western Uganda. This region is mainly known for its large tourism potential which is evident with the the extensive Rwenzori mountain ranges nicknamed “Mountains of the Moon” by John Speke a famous explorer from the Royal Geographical Society.